



Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors in NGOs - Managing Communications and Conflicts by DISC Personality Profiling (Session 3)


According to the HKCSS Institute’s Training Need Analysis (NGO TNA, 2018), junior managers were found to be having difficulties in managing their changed role in terms of attitude and skill set, especially on staff supervision and, workload and work level management. There is also a need for them to have a mutual-support network for on-going challenges and to have different exposure to widen their horizon. "The First-time Manager” (2015) specifies that role and function of a supervisor include recruitment, communication, planning, organizing, training, supervising, performance assessment and dismissal. Based on the needs found, a 5-day programme in 2 months with two clusters of skills is designed to cater for the changing role of a newly promoted supervisor, which are personal efficacy and people management. Besides, a programme in 2-month long in 5 meetings may facilitate participants to build peer network outside the organisation.

The 1st half will focus on personal Growth, self-management and leadership development while the 2nd half will focus HR essences on working with people as a supervisor.


• To equip with newly promoted supervisors with the needed mindset and skills as a people manager
• To enhance the understanding of participants on their strengths and weaknesses on being a people manager for continued learning and growth
• To broaden the network of participants in the NGO sector


• Gain self-awareness on communication strengths and gaps by DISC assessment tool
• Calibration techniques on identifying different DISC personality styles by experiential learning games
• Application of DISC to build trust and resolve conflicts within team, and with stakeholders
• On-site case discussions and application


課程編號 : 20A-C17 (original: 19B-C07)
日期 : 20/10/2020
時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
對象 : Newly promoted supervisor (preferably within 24 months) with people management role and direct report subordinate(s)
名額 : 30
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
費用 : 港幣 1,435.00
    港幣 1,345.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
    港幣 236.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 1,180.00 (在 29/09/2020 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2434 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Ms. LAM , Lois 林莉君女士
HKCSS Institute主管
林女士在社會服務界別擁有超過10年的經驗,主力於NGO能力建設和跨界別合作發展等領域。她於2007年協助香港社會服務聯會成立了HKCSS Institute,旨在促進業界的機構管理質素。她亦曾為不同的機構提供機構評估及人才發展等管理顧問項目,並主力負責業界的薪酬調查及領導模式等研究工作。林女士是認可的DISC職業行為分析師(IML)、Big5諮詢師(CentACS)及Harrison AssessmentsTM 培訓員,並擁有行政人員工商管理碩士(HKUST) 、社會心理學碩士(LSE) 及管理顧問專業文憑(HKU)。



• This certificate course is not processed on a first come, first served basis, applicant may go through selection process by HKCSS Institute and trainers
• 課程內容只提供英文版本


Related Courses
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors in NGOs
Enhancing Personal Effectiveness in Role Transition - Session 1
Driving Innovation and Leadership Effectiveness in Team - Session 2
HR Essence in Performance Management and Coaching - Session 4
Employment Related Law in Hong Kong - Awareness and Ethical Practice - Session 5
HR Essence on Recruitment, Selection and People Development in Aligning Goals and Values - Session 6
