非政府機構薪酬調查 2008 (只提供英文版本)
The introduction of Lump Sum Grant has transformed the resources management of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), especially in human resources management. NGOs are given the freedom to manage their staff structure, staff-mix and the level of compensation and benefits under the new funding mode.
NGOs of the welfare sector are entering into the post-TOG period. With regard to the expenditure in salary and benefits, it usually carries over 70% of the total expenditure of an organization. To facilitate NGOs in determining the levels of salary and benefits with flexibility to meet their organizational requirements, NGOs need more information from the comparable sectors to set a fair and reasonable remuneration and benefits system for their own organizations.
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the “HKCSS”) commissioned Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Ltd. (the “HKIHRM”) to conduct the HKCSS Salary Survey 2008-2009 (the “Survey”) among the Agency Members of HKCSS. The Report intends to provide participating Agency members more comprehensive and updated sector-wide information on the salary and benefits offered by the members to their staff.? The Survey this year includes the following new items:
- 3 year (2006 – 2008) salary trend comparison; and
- analysis of turnover rate.
The results of the Survey aim to provide reference information to assist the participating agencies in positioning their remuneration and benefits strategies to attract, reward and motivate employees and revamping the relevant practices to meet with the challenging operating environment encountered by the NGOs.
Objective and Scope
The objective of this Survey is to provide reference information for the participating agencies on a most recent:
- summary of salary data for a set of benchmarked positions in NGOs’ common job families;
- report of benefits offered to different levels of staff by NGOs.
The scope of this Survey covers the latest remuneration practices of the selected benchmarking jobs, benefits offered to different levels of staff and other human resources management of the participating agencies at the reference date as at 31st October 2008. The pay data does not cover “snapshot” staff of participating agencies receiving subvention from the Social Welfare Department of HKSAR Government. A total of 36 benchmarked jobs have been selected for this Survey in light of their specific nature to the social service sector and market pay data is not commonly available.
The Survey attempts to provide a comprehensive analysis of the human resources management practices of the NGOs in the social service sector and we hope the Survey will pave the ground work for NGOs to further develop and better utilize their most valuable assets - Human Resources.
Survey Methodology
The following methodology was deployed in this Survey.
Design of the Survey
With the input of the Task Group from HKCSS, the questionnaire and job descriptions for benchmarked jobs were developed. The objectives of the design are to:
- ensure adequate representation and fair interpretation of findings
- collect empirical data and views from participating agencies on their current practices in salary and benefits; and
- spot differences in remuneration practices due to the heterogeneity of agencies.
To facilitate the participating agencies to complete the questionnaire, an Explanatory Note with step-by-step instructions was developed. HKCSS representatives served as hotline support for agencies enquiries.
Data Collection and Response Rate
All Agency Members (351 agencies) of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service were invited to participate in this Survey. A total of 77 Agency Members returned the completed questionnaires to HKIHRM directly with a response rate of 22%.
Data Analysis and Report
Data were entered as electronic file for tabulation and analysis by HKIHRM in a professional and strict confidential manner. Necessary clarifications were made by HKIHRM to resolve potential data distortion and ensure completeness, accuracy, reasonableness and validity.
Profile of Participants
Profile of Participants
A total of 77 agencies returned the completed questionnaires this year.
Analysis of Pay Management Practice