Developed in the USA by the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies (CentACS) since 1993, the WorkPlace Big Five ProFile 4.0TMis the leading personality assessment based on the Five Factor Model of Personality which has become the standard for psychologists. The WorkPlace was specially written in workplace terminology to be used for business applications, such as:
• Team Building
• Leadership Development
• Performance Coaching
• Job Selection and Hiring
• Succession Planning
• Management / Supervisory Training
• Conflict Management
• To facilitate individuals understand better themselves and others at work per competency-based assessment through workplace big five profiles.
• To recognise the people values that individuals bring to others and the context because of our unique personality diversity.
• To assist individuals in people management and planning strategies for capitalising on strengths and minimising relatively weaker areas.
• All participants are required to complete an online self-assessment of WorkPlace Big Five in English prior to taking the class.
• An overview on Workplace Big Five profile and its applications.
• Brief on the 5 Super-traits and 23 Sub-traits of the WorkPlace with interactive exercises to learn and self-reflect from the reports generated.
• Small group discussion to facilitate the interpretations of the traits (natural energy/ capacity) in relation to the selected management competencies in the workplace.
課程編號 | : | 17A-04 |
日期 | : | 12/07/2017 |
時間 | : | 0930 - 1700 (6 小時) |
地點 | : | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 |
對象 | : | NGO Supervisory Staff and Team Leaders with people management responsibilities |
名額 | : | 30 |
語言 | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
費用 | : | 港幣 1,600.00 |
港幣 1,450.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
港幣 260.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 1,300.00 (在 28/06/2017 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2470 or institute@hkcss.org.hk |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Ms. WONG , Fonnie 黃頴莊女士
Executive Coach & Trainer - People Development & Org Effectiveness
Distinctions Asia (HK) Limited
Fonnie is a seasoned and passionate Executive Coach and Trainer who has diverse professional ranges of HRM, HRD, OD and consultancy experience spanning across Asia Pacific countries. Her motto of “Be Yourself ~ Be Authentic ~ Be Congruent” processing with essential communication and collaboration breakthrough has rooted her passion to propel sustainable people development and organisational effectiveness with clients.
In her one-on-one and group coaching, she is experienced in integrating Workplace Big Five profiles and facilitating the clients in knowing themselves, becoming aware and communicating congruently. She is a Certified Facilitator on Workplace Big-5 from CentACS, Certified Meta-Coach and Neuro-Semantics & NLP Trainer from The International Society of Neuro-Semantics®, Certified Trainer on Enriching Programme from Virginia Satir Global Network, etc. For workshop facilitation, she is focusing at people development topics such as Leadership, Relationship Management, Communication, Mind-Body-Emotion, Employee Wellness, etc.
Mr. TAM , Simon 譚梓揚先生
Distinctions Asia (HK) Limited
Simon has over 20 years of corporate and consulting experience. Before starting his career at Distinctions Asia, Simon worked for different organisations in the aviation industry including The Airport Authority and Dragonair. In his previous employment, he held different positions in customer service, project management, operations and training. Simon helps organisations design and formalise career and leadership development programs. He regularly helps facilitate leadership, coaching and mentoring sessions. He is a Certified Behavioral Consultant who is certified in various psychometric assessment tools including the WorkPlace BigFive profile and DISC.
Ms. LAM , Lois 林莉君女士
HKCSS Institute主管
林女士在社會服務界別擁有超過10年的經驗,主力於NGO能力建設和跨界別合作發展等領域。她於2007年協助香港社會服務聯會成立了HKCSS Institute,旨在促進業界的機構管理質素。她亦曾為不同的機構提供機構評估及人才發展等管理顧問項目,並主力負責業界的薪酬調查及領導模式等研究工作。林女士是認可的DISC職業行為分析師(IML)、Big5諮詢師(CentACS)及Harrison AssessmentsTM 培訓員,並擁有行政人員工商管理碩士(HKUST) 、社會心理學碩士(LSE) 及管理顧問專業文憑(HKU)。
* Fees of WorkPlace Big Five assessment and three reports included.