






The course provides analytical tools for problem identification and definition, evaluation of possible solutions, and solution selection, so that participants can bring better value to their organizations and customers.
By the end of the course, the course participants will be able to:
• Understand the typical steps in decision making process, and the implications in terms of risk management and leading change.
• Generate a wider variety of quality solutions
• Support more structured analysis of options leading to better decisions
• Recognize and avoid common traps and pitfalls


• Defining Problem: The early identification of a problem or symptom of a problem. It involves performance gap analysis, impact analysis, stakeholder
engagement, and getting consensus and agreement from the team members.
• Gathering Information: You must know exactly what you have to decide. Here, the subsystems of the organisation, organisation’s tasks and general
environments should be explored, depending on the complexity of the issues.
 Analyzing Impact: It is important to accept that there will almost always be a degree of uncertainty about outcomes. The actions you take will also be
dependent on your own or your organisation’s attitude to risk.
• Engaging Stakeholder: Depending on the spread of decision-making responsibility in your context, other colleagues will be able to contribute to
defining the decision to be taken, gathering relevant information, or making the decision.
• Identifying Alternatives: Decision making tools can be applied to help you to evaluate and compare alternatives. The choice of tool will depend on
the situation.
• Handling Psychological Traps: Watching out the bias is one of the crucial success factors. You should widen your options and test your assumptions.
• Communicating the Decision: It’s matter of change management. You should communicate well about the decision and action plans.
• Evaluating Outcomes: The key is to know what is happening while it is happening.


課程編號 : 21A-03 (original: 20B-09)
日期 : 23/06/2021
時間 : 0930 - 1230 (3 小時)
地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈
對象 : NGO Managerial Staff & Supervisory Staff
名額 : 30
語言 : 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)
費用 : 港幣 570.00
    港幣 530.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
    港幣 92.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 460.00 (在 02/06/2021 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2434 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Mr. LEUNG David 梁耀輝先生
擁有培訓及人才發展經驗超過三十年,現職港鐵公司車務訓練主管,他同時亦擔任港鐵學院院長一職。梁先生是香港人力資源管理學會資深會員和物流及運輸學會專業會員。社會服務方面,他分別是教育局課程發展議會、職訓局運輸及物流業培訓議會、職訓局學徒訓練議會及物流與運輸學會教育培訓委員會成員。他同時亦是HKCSS Institute督導委員會成員。


