Application & General Guidelines

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Application & General Guidelines

Application & General Guidelines

*Only online application is accepted for course / activity enrollment. Applicants have to use the online membership system for enrollment. Please visit our website for details.The Institute’s membership is only for course / activity enrolment and is not equivalent to the membership status of HKCSS Agency Member. 

Register as Member   Online Application 


Application Procedures
1.    Application procedures can be completed electronically in HKCSS Institute’s (The Institute) on-line membership system.  The Institute’s membership is only for course / activity enrolment and is not equivalent to the membership status of HKCSS Agency Member. Applicants must provide complete information as required by the system. Under normal circumstances, the Institute will activate your membership account within 3 working days after your membership application. Upon receiving the confirmation email on being accepted as the Institute’s member, applicants could apply for the Institute’s courses / activities through the online membership system. 
2.    HKCSS Agency Members can enjoy early bird discount. The discount is subject to the application period of each course. Applicants are entitled to enjoy the early bird discount only if payment is made on or before the early bird deadline. 

Payment Methods 
3.    Payment can be made in either of the following ways:
i.    Using credit card online payment system:
ii.    Submitting a crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Council of Social Service” by post or in person
4.    Applicants who enrol for more than one course / activity should pay separately for each course / activity. Please make correct payment for the fee required. Incomplete application or wrong payment will not be processed. 
5.    Applicants are required to settle the fees by respective payment deadlines. The Institute reserves the right to charge extra fee for any unsettled payments after the deadline.

Application Result Announcement
6.    Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Unless otherwise stated, application of all activities / courses is open until quota lasts. Application result will be notified through email prior to the course / activity commencement. Please contact the Institute if you do not receive any notification one week before the course / activity starts (Tel: 2876 2434 / 2876 2416).
7.    Applicants will normally go through a screening process for all courses / activities.  For admission requirement(s) of each of the course / activity, please refer to the “Target Participants” section and / or “Selection criteria” section under the “Course Details”.  Admissions are subject to the availability of seats.  Applicants meeting the minimum admission requirements are not guaranteed successful admission.
8.    The Institute reserves the right to adjust the number of seats available for each organisation depending on the application status.

Course Transfer / Withdrawal
9.    Withdrawal, change of course / activity, transfer of fees and seats are not allowed upon confirmation of application acceptance.

Refund Arrangement
10.    Fees paid are not refundable for withdrawal or absence from the enrolled course / activity. 
11.    The Institute reserves the right to cancel / make any change on the content of the course / activity owing to insufficient enrolment or other special occasions. If the course / activity is confirmed to be cancelled, applicants will be notified via email and refund of the course / activity fees will be arranged.

Certificate Arrangement
12.    Certificates will be awarded to participants achieving at least 80% of the total course hours (unless otherwise specified). A statement of attendance can be issued upon written request for those who fail to satisfy the requirement for certificate issuing.

General Notes
13.    The Institute reserves the right to arrange photo taking, video or voice recording during the course / activity for the purpose of promotion in the future.
14.    Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the information provided by the applicant is used for enrollment and administration purposes only. Applicants have the right to request access to and make correction of their personal data. Applicants wishing to make amendments on personal data should submit written requests to the Institute by emailing to [email protected].

Class Regulations

  1. Mobile phones and pagers should be switched off during classes.
  2. The copyright for all course materials provided to participants belongs to the Institute. All these materials are intended for private study purposes only.
  3. Participants are not permitted to record audio or video without the consent of the Institute.
  4. Personal belongings should not be left unattended all the time. The Institute will not be responsible for any loss of personal belongings.
  5. The Institute has the authority for disciplinary policies relating to misbehaviours during classes.

Typhoons and Bad Weather Arrangement

For activities that have not yet started:

If the Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is / will be in force on or after the following times, all activities will be suspended as stated:

On or after the following times Activities Affected
6:00 a.m. Morning activities that start before 1:00 p.m.
12:00 noon Afternoon activities that start between 2:00 & 6:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. Evening activities that start from 6:00 p.m.

For activities and examinations that have already started:

Signals Activites Examinations
When Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is issued Immediately suspend Continue until the end of that examination session, unless the examination venue is found to be threatening the students' safety
When Black Rainstorm Signal is in force All participants and speakers should take shelter at a safe place until the weather and traffic conditions have improved Continue until the end of that examination session, unless the examination venue is found to be threatening the students' safety
