(Only Chinese version for some sections)
1. CEO
2. Managerial Staff
3. Social Work Professionals
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Managerial Staff
The design of the HKCSSI’s training programme is based on “NGO Competency Models” * and results of “NGO Training Need Survey”. As the competency models provide a clear blueprint of the required functional competencies of managerial staff and social work practitioners, together with the training needs perceived by individuals, the programmes therefore could fit the need of individuals at NGO workplace, to enhance them to perform more competently.
*HKCSS, Competency Development and Enhancement Initiative, Joint Business Improvement Project, 2002

Functional Competencies of Managerial Staff
Some Delivered Training Topics
Personal Effectiveness
- Leadership
- Innovation
- Personal Drive
- Be a Competent Team Leader
- Creative Problem Solving
- Effective Decision Making for NGO Executives
- Effective Presentation Skills
- English Made Easy for NGO Executives
- Enhancing Performance with Better Time Management
- EQ and Stress Management
- Facilitation: Key to Effective Meeting
- Positive Psychology – Choose to Enjoy my Life
- Training and Facilitation
- Understand Behavior Preference through MBTI and Develop Coaching Skills
- Story Telling Techniques and Practices
Working with others
- Communication
- Team Building
- Staff Management
- Networking
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Conflict Management
- Corporate Partnership Building
- Disciplinary Management
- How to Conduct a Meaningful Appraisal
- Staff Motivation – Energizing Staff and Workplace
- Supervision Skills – Supervising Frontline Workers / Professional Workers
- Team Building – Leadership Workshop with MBTI Personality Indicators
Results / Tasks Orientation
- Planning and Control
- Resource Management
- Drive for Efficiency and Effectiveness
- Customer Orientation
- Accountability
Accounting and Finance
- Accounting Practice and Financial Management for non-financial Professionals in NGOs
- Certificate in Accounting Practice for NGOs
- Essential Management Accounting for NGO Accounting Staff
- Output Costing for Non-finance Managers and Professionals
Human Resources Management
- Certificate in Human Resources Management for NGOs
- Recruitment Tools
Business Process
- Cost-Saving and Efficiency Enhancement through Rapid Process Improvement
Communications, Fundraising and Customer Services
- Certificate in Applied Communications for NGOs
- Developing Corporate Communications/PR Strategy for NGOs
- Effective Marketing Strategies in Service Promotion
- Proposal Writing –Funding/Bidding
- Certificate in Mediation
- Certificate in Fundraising for NGOs
- How to Handle Complaints (Basic)/ (Advance)
- Quality Customer Service - Counter Service & Telephone Enquiry (Basic) / (Advance)
Risk and Crisis Management
- Professional Certificate in Certified Risk Planner
- Crisis Management and Media Handling
- Managing Enterprise Risk through Internal Control
Knowledge Management
- Certificate in Customized Knowledge Management Training for NGOs
Occupational Safety and Health Management
- Occupational Safety and Health Practice Workshops
Social Entrepreneurship
- Certificate in NGO Self-finance Project Management
Project Management
- Certificate in Project Management for NGOs
- Event Planning & Management
- Designing and Planning Projects in International Development Work
Strategic Planning
- Vision and Foresight
- Business Development and Business Acumen
- Crisis Management
- Strategic Planning for NGOs
- Improving Corporate Governance
- Working with Board
- Using Balanced Score Card in NGO Development
- Effective Strategic Management for Business Improvement
- Development of Strategic Business Plan for Self-financing Projects
- Making Financial Decisions for Self-financing Projects
- Management Audit System - NGO Management
- Social Innovation
- Leading Change
- Crisis Management - an Agency Level Approach
Social Work Professionals
The design of the HKCSSI’s training programme is based on “NGO Competency Models” * and results of “NGO Training Need Survey”. As the competency models provide a clear blueprint of the required functional competencies of managerial staff and social work practitioners, together with the training needs perceived by individuals, the programmes therefore could fit the need of individuals at NGO workplace, to enhance them to perform more competently.
*HKCSS, Competency Development and Enhancement Initiative, Joint Business Improvement Project, 2002
Functional Competencies of Social Work Professionals |
Some Delivered Training Topics |
Knowledge and Skills in Taking Social Work Intervention
- Promotion of Human Rights and Civil Responsibility
- Social Work Process
- Project Management
Knowledge and Skills in Building Social Work Relationship
- Social Work Relationship
- Community Partnership
Personal Effectiveness and Quality
- Compliance to related Legal and Regulatory Framework
- Social and Cultural Awareness
- Drive for Professional Development
Children & youth
- 感覺統合-概念與研習
- 幼兒感知及自理發展
- 低動機青年/成人隱蔽現象介入
- 上網成癮介入
- 青少年精神健康培訓課程
- 特殊教育需要學生的社工介入手法
- 語障兒童的學習需要和促進語言發展的技巧
- 兒童院護照顧工作員證書
- 「敘事治療」之有效應用
- 遊戲工作課程
- 長者及院友皮膚護理工作坊
- 老年智障人士照顧技巧
- 長者護理個案管理
- 長者小組工作技巧工作坊
Family & Community
- 危機處理的家庭治療方法入門
- 與綜援相關就業服務培訓工作坊
- 少數族裔多元文化及平權認知證書
- 哀傷關懷及輔導工作坊
- 正向心理學應用及進階證書
- 多元藝術工作坊
- 生命教育工作坊-自我生命探索及建立
- 催眠治療臨床應用工作坊
- 處理抑鬱患者:從評估到治療
- 濫藥個案介入技巧專題系列
- 女性濫藥輔導工作
- 與聽障服務使用者以手語溝通技巧工作坊
- 暴力危機應變—「暴力行為控制及脫身法技巧」工作坊
- 暴力危機應變基礎—「預防、評估及處理暴力事故」工作坊
Social Research
- 社會影響評估個案分享系列
- 社會研究方法
- 推行數據採集的方式與技巧