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Certificate Courses

Designing and Planning Projects in Development Work for NGOs (Introductory)


The NGO Management Association Switzerland (NMA), based in Geneva, is committed to enhancing the management capabilities of NGOs addressing today’s most challenging development and humanitarian concerns. NMA has provided training to groups of participants in 17 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. They have developed a series of professional management programmes, including Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach (LFA), demonstrating its effectiveness and relevance in many parts of the world.

To enforce management professionalization, the HKCSSI has developed partnership with NGO Management School, a department of theNGO Management Association since 2011. This year, we have selected 2 participatoryProject Management courses, where professional trainers will come over to conduct expert training programmes on Project Management in Hong Kong. Successful participants will also be awarded with NGO Management School certificates.

1. A 3-day Introductory Course to Project Cycle Management, focusing on the design and planning of projects in the development sector. It draws on field and HQ experience, with good practices from international organisations and contexts in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

2. A 5-dayAdvance Course, using LFA as the overall planning framework in an effective and responsive way and based on the participants experience and identified challenges.


This course delivers knowledge, practical skills and tools to work successfully with local communities in the construction and implementation of projects. It is an introduction to the logical framework approach, which provides a structured model for identifying expected results as well as the activities and inputs needed for its accomplishment. The course provides tools to analyse problems and stakeholders, define objectives and determine activities based on stakeholders’ needs. It covers the use of a monitoring system to ensure output and outcome. Participants will learn how to make the best use of the various tools through case studies and group exercises.


 - To acquire the know-how on project planning, selecting & designing of effective programmes / activities;

- To apply the monitoring system through observing the Result-Based Management approach;
- To apply the Logical Framework.




Session 1

18 March

0900 –1700

A. Project Design: Concept

·Why Results-Based Management(RBM)

·Introducing the RBM concept

·Defining the results chain: Impact, outcome, output, input activities

·Designing a project using the RBM approach

B. Processes

Step 1: Problem Identification and Analysis

·Aim of problem identification

·Problem analysis: importance and challenges

·Using the problem tree tool

·Stakeholder Analysis

Session 2

19 March

0900 –1700

Step 2: Choosing the Operational Strategy

·Defining priorities according to the results of the problem analysis

·Linking priorities to the mandate of the organisation

Step3: Designing the Project

·Introduction to the Logical Framework Approach (LFA)

·Formulating project objectives

·Defining project activities

Session 3

20 March

0900 –1700

Step4: The Intervention Logic(continued)

·Analysing risks (assumptions) linked to the project

·Identifyingindicators and baseline

Step5: Planning the Project Implementation

·Sequencing and scheduling project activities

·Planning the resources (human, financial and logistic)

·Planning a successful project monitoring system


Course Code : 14B-01
Date(s) : 18, 19, 20/3/2015
Time : 0900 - 1700 (21 Hours)
Venue : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
Target Participants : Non-profitmanagement and supervisorystaff withsome experience in project management: Project Managers,Programme Coordinators or key HQ and field staff involved in designing and planning projects
Class Size : 20
Language : English
Fee : HKD 7,280.00
    HKD 6,930.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 6,600.00 (Payment on or before 11/02/2015 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
Speaker(s) :
Mr. Flemming Gjedde-Nielsen
Senior Trainer and Consultant
NGO Management School Switzerland
Mr Flemming Gjedde-Nielsen has 25 years of experience working with development and humanitarian organisations in Africa, the Arab world and Asia. He has particular strong insights in working with southern NGOs, CBOs, networks and alliances and social movements with emphasis on diverse aspects of partnerships.
Flemming has 25 years experience from all stages of the project cycle management, as a designer of programme/projects, as an implementer, as coach to programme/project leaders, as reviewer and evaluator and in designing manuals and guidelines in support of programme and project design, implementation and monitoring.
In addition to project cycle management, Flemming has extensive experience in strategy development and strategic positioning of organisations, organisational assessment and development.


"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .

The NGO Management Association Switzerland and HKCSS Institute will issue completion certificate separately to each participant who fully completed the advance certificate course.

Coaching Session
HK $4,000/session
(3 hours including reading documents provided by the coachee, asking questions on the documents, etc. and coaching through telephone or skype)

Post-Course Coaching (optional)
We believe that all training requires post-course coaching to ensure that new skills and knowledge acquired are fully embedded in professional practice and bring new competencies to your organisation. A post-course session of three hours tailored coaching for each participant are planned after the course to guide participants in the translation of theory and new knowledge into the development of professional competencies and practices.

The course participants can choose to have individual coaching service on their own project work.

The Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework (LFA)
Logical Framework (LFA) is the dominant approach to planning and managing projects in major donor agencies. LFA has proven its value as a problem-oriented planning approach, an effective tool for the analysis, systematic planning and presentation of projects. In the Advance course, different areas of concern will be addressed, and solutions for mitigating suggested, include addressing questions such as:

- LFA is a problem-oriented planning approach - it seeks solutions to identified problem(s). How can we fully utilise the opportunities that are provided in a given context and learn from what works?

- LFA has a tendency toward blueprint planning - how to capture the often rapidly shifting context and learn from implementation in the continuous planning and secure continued relevancy of the project tool?

- In the processes of monitoring and evaluation, how to capture and document the unforeseen positive and negative effects of our interventions?

The trainer will take a holistic approach, based on the knowledge that there is no one single method for planning and implementation of project work which addresses all of the above issues. Various methods and approaches have merits and de-merits and critical choices have to be made to secure effective implementation. Examples of such complementary methods that will be introduced are: Theory of Change, Appreciative Inquiry, Most Significant Change etc. The participants will sharpen their ability to understand the implications of various choices and provide a basis for informed choices with concrete suggestions on solutions.
