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機構能力建設與制度創新研討會系列 – 實例分享與研討 (研討會一)(名額已滿)

(Only Chinese version is available)





  • 簡介研究的結果,包括研究的框架及22個制度建設單元等;
  • 透過分享個案及實例,深入討論個別制度建設單元的實踐;
  • 帶動機構討論、互相分享及交流制度發展的經驗。

  • Content

    研討會一   檢視及再思機構使命 (2016年11月24日,上午10時至下午12時)
    - 蘇淑賢女士 (香港保護兒童會  總幹事)
    - 范瑩孫醫生太平紳士 (香港家庭計劃指導會  執行總監)


     備註 :

    • 申請者可報名參加多於一個研討會,但申請結果視乎報名情況而定。學院會以申請者的選項優次,並根據先到先得原則處理。
    • 申請結果將於活動前經電郵通知, 申請者若在活動前2天仍未收到任何通知, 請與學院聯絡。


    Course Code : 16B-InnoSem1
    Date(s) : 24/11/2016
    Time : 1000 - 1200 (2 Hours)
    Venue : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
    Target Participants : 社會服務機構高層管理人員
    Class Size : 30
    Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
    Fee : HKD 0.00
        HKD 0.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
    Early Bird Fee : HKD 0.00 (Payment on or before 24/11/2016 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
    Enquiries :

    請致電2876 2486 或以電郵 [email protected],與主任鄺順儀小姐聯絡

    Speaker(s) :
    Ms. So Suk Yin 蔡蘇淑賢女士
    Susan So is the Director of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children, which is one of pioneers in child care services since 1926. HKSPC provides child care, early education and enhance social development of children, is dedicated to partner with parents to build a good foundation for children in their lifelong learning and development and has a special interest to protect vulnerable or deprived children and promote their welfare.

    Susan is a social worker and a family therapist that has over 30 years of experience in direct practice, training and management for children, youth and family services. She is active in professional as well as policy issues and has been an active advocate on policy and social issues that affect children and families.
    Ms. Fan Yun Sun , Susan, JP 范瑩孫醫生太平紳士
    Dr Susan Fan graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University of Hong Kong in 1984 and and is a Member of the UK Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. She also holds a Diploma in Child Health from Ireland and a Master's degree in Public Administration (HKU). She served at the Queen Mary and Tsan Yuk Hospitals before joining the Hospital Authority in 1992. In 1995 she became Executive Director of The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, and has sought to broaden its scope of services from family planning and birth control towards high-quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care. Dr Fan serves on numerous government advisory bodies in the fields of health, HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, education and population policy. She contributes to clinical teaching as Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in the University of Hong Kong. Dr Fan is a recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 2000 and was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2013.


    "Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .
