【FULL】Cost-Saving and Efficiency Enhancement – Rapid Process Improvement
- 學習快速流程改善的概念與方法,從而提高機構營運及項目效益
- 掌握進行流程改善的步驟和工具應用
- 以流程角度審視工作中可節省成本及提升效益的空間
- 推行快速流程改善的五個步驟
- 本地社福機構流程改善案例與成功要素分享
- 改善項目的標準工具及範本
- 小組流程改善練習
Course Code | : | 22A-07 |
Date(s) | : | 15 Jun 2022 (Wed) |
Time | : | 0930 - 1700 (6 Hours) |
Venue | : | Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK |
Target Participants | : | NGO Managerial & Supervisory Staff (with people management role) |
Class Size | : | 30 |
Language | : | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
Fee | : | HKD 1,180.00 |
HKD 1,100.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) | ||
HKD 192.00 ("Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme"- the highest subsidy amount is 80% of the course fee. Please refer to “Financial Assistance”.) | ||
Early Bird Fee | : | HKD 960.00 (Payment on or before 25/05/2022 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) |
Enquiries | : | 2876 2434 or institute@hkcss.org.hk |
Speaker(s) | : |
Mr. CHOU Dicky 仇德基先生
Dicky是一位資深顧問,自1996年起為商界、政府及社福界提供顧問服務,範疇包括策略規劃、流程改善及機構文化創建等。他曾協助不同類型機構持續改善營運表現,當中三間機構(包括香港耆康老人福利會)先後奪得香港管理專業協會之優質管理獎金獎及銅獎。Dicky的著作包括《變革現生機 - 耆康會給企業管理的啟示》以及《流程改善自學教材套》。
Quota is set for each course in "Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme". All applications are subject to approval. For details, please click HERE .
About Vaccine Pass & "LeaveHomeSafe” QR Code
- All participants are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code and present their Vaccine Pass for verification to show evidence of vaccination or medical exemption certificate upon entry to the class venue.
- Depending on the latest pandemic situation, the mode of course delivery might change to online class.
- No refund or course withdrawal will be made due to non-fulfillment of QR code scanning and Vaccine Pass verification and/ or change of course delivery mode.
- For details of the Vaccine Pass (疫苗通行證), please visit https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/vaccine-pass.html
(Course Detail in Chinese Version ONLY)