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 分享企業慈善工作最新的資訊
 提供尋找有效企業伙伴的詳細指引
 協助釐定商界資源的機遇和挑戰
 提交合適的計劃書予目標企業
 以出眾的演講技巧令企業留下深刻印象
 與支持企業孕育長遠關係
 為目標支持企業度身訂造合作計劃


Course Code : 08B-10
Date(s) : 10/12/2008
Time : 1330 - 1730 (4 Hours)
Venue : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈
Target Participants : 需要與企業進行計劃、籌備或協調活動的社會服務機構之幹事、活動策劃人、行政人員及社工
Class Size : 29
Language : 粵語(以英語輔助)
Fee : HKD 400.00
    HKD 0.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 360.00 (Payment on or before 26/11/2008 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries :
Speaker(s) :
Ms. Wan , Deborah, BBS, JP 溫麗友太平紳士
Chief Executive Officer
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NLPRA)
Ms. Deborah Wan is a registered social worker, devoted in community psychiatric rehabilitation service for over 28 years. Ms. Wan has been serving as the Chief Executive Officer of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NLPRA) since 1981, and is a pioneer in introducing the social entrepreneurship concept to Hong Kong. Ms. Wan is committed to creating employment and training opportunities for people with psychiatric disability through the establishment of various social enterprises and thus she has won numerous awards. She developed a total of 19 social enterprises, including vegetable stall, fruit stall, convenience stores, restaurants, light refreshment kiosk, healthy living specialty/organic shops, souvenir shop, eco-tourism, cleansing service, property management service and coffee shop, creating a total of 217 positions for people with psychiatric disability, the disadvantaged and able-bodies as well as 482 training placements for service users. The annual turnover of more than HK$34 million was generated with a small profit.

Ms. Wan has been a board member of the World Federation for Mental Health since 2003 and is currently the Vice President of the Asia-Pacific Region and the Chair of the Commission on Work & Employment of Asia-Pacific Region, Rehabilitation International. Ms. Wan has extensive network in Mainland China and Asia Pacific region and is frequently invited as service consultant for related organizations.
Ms. Lam , Lois 林莉君女士
Head, HKCSS Institute
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Ms Lam has ample experience in soliciting funding from various sources for projects like the HKCSS Institute and the Caring Company Scheme. She has been working in the marketing and PR areas for years in both the NGO and business sectors. She holds a Master Degree in Social and Public Communication (LSE) and a Graduate Diploma in Management Consulting (HKU) and has been teaching courses in management, communications and marketing at tertiary institutes.
Ms. Kwan , Christine 關韵唐女士
Senior Manager, WiseGiving
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Ms Christine Kwan plays an active role in enhancing charity accountability and transparency, including due diligence on recipient charities involved with overseas and cross-border giving. She facilitates effective partnerships between donors and NGOs and manages grant programs for foundations, private donors and companies. Christine is a former Head of Communications & Fundraising of an NGO serving people with disabilities. She holds a bachelor degree of Social Science and a Master Degree of Arts (The Chinese University of Hong Kong).
Ms. Luk Wai Yi , Wendy 陸偉儀
陸偉儀女士陸偉儀女士現任社聯高級經理(公 眾 參 與 及 伙 伴),由2002年「商界展關懷」計劃開始積極推動企業與社會服務機構建立跨界合作。在過去10年間不斷為與計劃的得獎公司孕育及保持良好的伙伴關係,並曾為企業與社聯合辦的多項策略伙伴合作計劃作統籌及管理。陸女士參與社聯的工作之前,曾於航空、酒店及其他服務業工作。


"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .
