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Training on Comprehensive Assessments for the Children with Special Needs - Module 1


To provide professional education and training for in-service workers who are involved in taking care of special needs children so that they can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in serving these children.


  1. To enhance the participants’ general understanding of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism and Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD)
  2. To teach and provide training to participants to learn how to conduct the comprehensive assessments for the children with special needs. The 4 sets of assessment tools and manual which are developed by Heep Hong Society. They are :
    1.  For Module 1: Psycho-educational Profile (Third Edition) & Training Package for Autistic Children (PEP 3)《自閉症兒童心理教育評核工具及材料套(第三版)》附送CD-ROM (Optional, $1,200 each)
    2.  For Module 1: Training Package for Autistic Children based on the TEACCH model 《自閉症兒童訓練指南:結構化教學法》(Recommended, $240 each)
    3.  For Module 2: The Language Learning Package for Pre-primary Children with SpLD《聽說讀寫小寶盒─幼兒語文學習教材套》(Free for participants)
    4.  For Module 3: School-based Holistic Support Programme for Children with ADHD (Teacher's Manual & Parent's Guidebook) 《青蔥教室系列之躍動成長路─專注力不足過動症學童全方位校本支援計劃(教師手冊/家長手冊)》(Free for participants)
  3. To equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to formulate appropriate educational plans and strategies for children with the above special needs.


Module 1 Assessment and Designing Training Programs for Autistic Children

Session 1 & 2
11 & 18 October


Assessment and training for Autistic Children by using PEP 3

  • Introduction on the use of PEP 3 : Theories & Assessment
  • The characteristics and training strategies for autistic children

Ms Eva Mak
Ms Yam Shuk Ling

Session 3 & 4

25 October & 1 November

Theories and Practice in using PEP 3 to Formulate Individual Training Plans for Autistic Children

Session 5

8 November


The Application of TEACCH (Treatment & Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) Programme in Training

  • The use of "Structured Teaching” in training
  • Training strategies and guidelines 
  • How to apply TEACCH model in home setting


Course Code : 12B-PE01a
Date(s) : 11, 18 & 25 Oct, 1 & 8/11/2012
Time : 1400 - 1700 (15 Hours)
Venue : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
Target Participants : Social workers or training staff 
Class Size : 30
Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fee : HKD 5,400.00
    HKD 4,800.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 4,400.00 (Payment on or before 20/09/2012 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
Speaker(s) :
Ms. Mak , Eva 麥依華女士
Educational Psychologist
Heep Hong Society
Ms. Yam Shuk Ling 任淑玲女士
Special Child Care Worker
Heep Hong Society


"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .
