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Short Courses

Developing Corporate Communications Strategy for NGOs


  • Understand the rationale and tactics of corporate communications for agencies and establish image and brand for own agencies
  • Formulate media relations strategies and implementation of media activities in positive and negative times


  • Establishing Image and Brand for Agencies – Rationale and Tactics
  • Formulating Corporate Communications Strategies and Implementation of Tactics – Identification of Stakeholders and Development of Stakeholder Relations
  • Developing Media Relations and Conducting Activities in Positive and Negative Times– Media Interview Skills

Remarks: Exercises, such as media interviews and press conference role plays and discussion and projects in formulation of own Corporate Communications strategies and tactics will be conducted during the workshop.


Course Code : 13A-04
Date(s) : 20 & 27/6/2013
Time : 0930 - 1700 (12 Hours)
Venue : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
Target Participants : NGO Managerial Staff, especially for those who are responsible for public relations and corporate communications
Class Size : 30
Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fee : HKD 1,960.00
    HKD 1,760.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 1,600.00 (Payment on or before 25/04/2013 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
Speaker(s) :
繆女士畢業於香港中文大學英文系,香港大學犯罪學碩士,香港理工大學對外漢語教學碩士。持英國諾定咸大學(Post Grad)教育文憑。具多年公共事務顧問及培訓經驗,特別專長於政府、社區、傳媒關係和危機傳訊及管理。曾任公私營機構傳訊部門主管、廉政公署培訓主任等,並取得中國國家高級企業培訓師(副教授級)資格。



"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .
