(按機構名稱首字筆劃排列) (部分機構介紹只提供英文版本)

Founded in 1936, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) has been established to serve children and youth throughout different eras with its need-specific and community-based services in its comprehensive service network. In recent years, BGCA also focuses its efforts to look into the cross-generational poverty issue in the society. While deploying additional resources to support children from low-income families, BGCA also advocates government and policy-makers to take a longer-term view in tackling the poverty issues. At the same time, BGCA expands its services to assist children with developmental disorder and/or special educational needs, promote awareness on mental health for children and teenagers and offer one-stop, multi-disciplinary mental health and psychological counselling services to the needy families..

Distinctions Asia was founded in 2005 by a team of experienced business leaders as well as human capital and organisation development consultants and practitioners from Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Thailand; with support from alliance partners in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. It operates out of 3 countries, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand. The people in Distinctions Asia are uniquely identified by their combined consulting and industry backgrounds. Each person has worked in an executive capacity before accumulating significant consulting / coaching / facilitation experience.

尚亞傳訊有限公司是面向亞太地區的創新型的數碼及多媒體傳訊機構,以社會企業模式營運,我們將透 過不同的方案,從多元化媒體、品牌效應、企業社會責任等方面,幫助企業著手推動和發展低碳及可持 續發展的文化理念。我們的使命是為求通過系列和專業的宣傳及活動,最終幫助企業和團體實現可持續 性增長。配合創新的方式,令每一項商業決策都能對保護環境和履行企業社會責任提供專業諮詢及幫助。 尚亞傳訊有限公司亦會將總收益的1%捐獻給本地慈善團體及幫助邊緣化社群,以實現對可持續發展事 業的支持。

Harrison Assessments is an award winning solution that it exceeds the results of other talent management methods and personality tests by aligning people's qualifications and passions with company-specific jobs. Our unique Paradox Technology identifies employees and applicants who are three times more likely to achieve business results. It can save you for up to 70% administration time with our talent acquisition and succession planning solutions. You can engage/retain top talent and build high performing teams with our unique talent development and employee engagement tools. This innovative approach exceeds general personality testing and other methods because it measures 175 factors, resulting in reports that target job-specific employee engagement, success and retention.

IBM 是一家認知方案及雲平台公司,總部設於紐約,業務遍佈一百七十五個國家。 IBM 所提供的方案與產品融合數據、資訊科技、行業遠見及業務流程知識,並輔 以業務夥伴生態圈,協助客戶締造商業價值、業務轉型、及以創新的方式和顧客 與員工互動。這些解決方案匯聚IBM 領先業界的諮詢服務、資訊科技建置服務、 雲端與認知方案、以及企業級系統與軟件,由世界首屈一指的IBM 研究部支援。

怡和保險顧問有限公司不斷蛻變,服務香港已超過150 年。時至今日,怡和保 險憑著不斷羅致保險市場上最優秀的專業人才,並積極保留公司本身專業團隊的 雄厚實力,得以在本港的保險、再保險及僱員福利相關諮詢服務、中介服務及其 他相關服務方面,都處於領先地位。怡和保險亦與社聯同行,透過不同場合及途 徑為社福機構提供保險相關顧問服務及產品。

基督教香港信義會專業培訓中心致力為各企業機構提供以正向為本的「企業僱員服務」。我們關心企業 僱員的身心健康、正面的職場人際關係、快樂的家庭與生活。這些都能有效提升僱員的工作表現,直接 為企業帶來更大的回報。

香港青年協會賽馬會Media 21 媒體空間 (M21) 座落港島南區,佔地近四千平方米,是一所特別為青年 而設,集媒體實驗、媒體教室和媒體輔導於一身的綜合多媒體互動平台。
青年充滿創意和想像力。在廿一世紀流動資訊與互聯網盛行的科技新世界,年輕人需要更多機會,釋放 他們的創意空間與潛能,並且讓社會給予認同和肯定。
M21 以青年為本,蘊含青年成長所需的學習、實踐和互動三大元素。

香港紅十字會創立於1950 年,作為國際紅十字運動的一份子,我們力求世上人人都能尊重及保護人的 生命和尊嚴,並能自願地以一視同仁的態度施以援手,改善弱勢社群的境況。
現時香港紅十字會的工作包括本地及境外的緊急救援及備災服務,例如提供心理支援服務、尋人服務、 輸血及造血幹細胞服務等;本地社區健康及教育服務,包括提供急救訓練等;建立了人道教育中心,提 供不同類型的人道參與及教育服務;以及提供特殊教育及復康服務。

Sandplay therapy is a hand on, non-verbal psychological work which facilitates the psyche's natural capacity for healing. Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association (HKSTA) is founded in 2010 and our objective is to support mental health professionals who are interested in learning and practicing Jungian Sandplay Therapy. Our goal is to promote professional development in Sandplay Therapy in theory, clinical practice and research. We regularly offer qualified training and supervision in Hong Kong. In 2017, HKSTA has become a regional member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy.

Hong Kong Social Workers Association, founded in 1949 and incorporated in 1975, is a non-profit making and professional organization. It aims to foster a high standard of professional practice and ethics of social work in Hong Kong, and to investigate questions affecting professional status and welfare of social workers and make recommendations to the authorities concerned. In 2013, the Hong Kong Academy of Social Work was set up to develop continuing professional development standards and specialized social work practice. A member of both International Federation of Social Workers and Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

香港基督教女青年會(女青)創立於1920 年,是歷史最悠久的婦女團體。時至今日,秉持「生命的栽培」 服務宗旨,女青現已發展成為一個領先的多元化社會服務機構,為有需要人士提供廣泛的服務,包括: 婦女與家庭、青年發展、耆年、教育等。女青於全港設有逾80 個服務單位,每年有超過3 百萬人次受 惠於本會的優質服務。有關女青的其他資料,請瀏覽:www.ywca.org.hk。

Established by Drs Ken and Marjorie Blanchard in 1979, The Ken Blanchard Companies® is a global leader in workplace learning, productivity, and leadership effectiveness that is best known for its Situational Leadership®II program – the most widely taught leadership model in the world. With over three decades of helping leaders and organizations, more than 20 million books in print, programs offered in more than 12 languages and clients across six continents, The Ken Blanchard Companies® is recognized as one of the world’s leading training and development experts.

香港中華煤氣有限公司(煤氣公司) 於1862 年成立,是香港歷史最悠久的公用事業機構,亦是本港規 模最大的能源供應商之一,企業管理和營運均達到世界級水平。過去150 多年來,煤氣公司與時並進, 與香港一起成長,由初期供應煤氣用於燃點街燈,發展到今天在大中華能源行業領先同儕。目前,煤氣 公司為近190 萬香港客戶供應煤氣。以及提供多元化的煤氣爐具和應用方案,以切合客戶不同的需要, 而在內地亦有逾240 個項目,包括城市管道燃氣項目、上、中游項目、自來水供應與污水處理、天然 氣加氣站及新興環保能源項目等,業務遍佈全國26 個省、自治區和直轄市。

富城集團為香港最具規模之物業及設施管理服務集團之一,擁有逾50年專業物業及設施管理經驗,其管理的項目涵蓋港九新界各區優質住宅物業及工商業大廈、政府物業、大型設施項目和校園等。富城集團早於1997年已 成為全港首批榮獲ISO 9001品質管理證書的物業管理公司,於其企業策略及日常管理業務上,致力進行全面優 質管理的理念,透過逾5,000名員工共同努力,達至「用心服務,專心管理」的品牌承諾。富城集團現時管理 逾340個項目,每日不停為香港100萬市民提供專業管理服務,締造良好的生活環境。