Using Apps for Team Management – Building O2O Learning Teams
ICT and smart devices become part of our life and could be adapted to be a powerful communicating and learning tool. Thus, eLearning as a communicating and learning strategy would be feasible to facilitate self-directed, collaborative and situated learning among individuals and teams of social service practitioners to facilitate knowledge management and service quality and performance discussion to build a learning organization, blended in online and offline environment.
• To understand the opportunity of using eLearning strategies to build up a learning community
• To learn how to apply different tools and platforms to facilitate communication and learning among members of your team
• Theoretical framework of O2O(Online to Offline) in blended communication and eLearning
• Using Apps to facilitate discussion (e.g. Poll Everywhere, Padlet, Web Whiteboard, etc) on staff meetings, retreat, planning & evaluation and design thinking on service development
• Use of online platform (e.g. Google Classroom) to build up a learning commons and knowledge management platform
Course Code | : | 18A-15 |
Date(s) | : | 23/08/2018 |
Time | : | 0930 - 1700 (6 Hours) |
Venue | : |
The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai |
Target Participants | : | NGO managers, supervisors or team leaders of social service organisation |
Class Size | : | 30 |
Language | : | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
Fee | : | HKD 1,090.00 |
HKD 1,010.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) | ||
HKD 184.00 ("Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme"- the highest subsidy amount is 80% of the course fee. Please refer to “Financial Assistance”.) | ||
Early Bird Fee | : | HKD 920.00 (Payment on or before 02/08/2018 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) |
Enquiries | : | 2876 2470 or [email protected] |
Speaker(s) | : |
Mr. CHAN Kwok Bong 陳國邦先生
The Boys’ & Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Registered Social Worker, experienced youth worker, who has been supervising various ICYSCs for years and developed innovative service approaches like Classroom-in-Community, Appreciative Inquiry and Mobile Learning with his teams.
Mr. Wong Kon Chi 黃幹知先生
Community Curriculum Development Officer
The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Registered Social Worker, experienced youth worker and trainer for social workers and teachers on facilitation skills of discussion, debriefing and reflection, using both experiential activities and mobile apps.
Quota is set for each course in "Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme". All applications are subject to approval. For details, please click HERE .