工作坊一 [日期及時間: 2018年11月29日 (1400-1700)] DISC工作行為取向及性格分析 DISC Workplace Behavioral and Personality Analysis l理解DISC類型 l使用DISC Personality System表格作自我及團友的性格快速檢測 l了解不同團隊隊員的溝通方法及特點 l判別溝通對象的類型,接受並欣賞溝通對象的核心價值觀,並運用恰當的溝通技巧 l在組建團隊的過程中,利用個人的長處強化團隊 l孕育欣賞的心態來處理分歧 l欣賞差異及尋找更好的解決方案 [附網上DISC分析及性格與領導風格報告中文版]
講員 黃寶琦博士
工作坊二 [日期及時間: 2019年1月24日 (0930-1700)] 如何成為機構領導 - 從個人效能到機構效能 How to be an Organization Leader - from Personal Effectiveness to Organization Effectiveness l領導的思維與模式 l領導的內在能力 l個人與機構願景的協調 l由個人領導成為機構領導
講員 鍾衍文先生
工作坊三 [日期及時間: 2019年1月25日 (0930-1700)] 建立高效及激勵團隊 Building Highly Performance Team & Team Motivation l團隊組成的四個階段 高效團隊的特質 機構使命與圑隊和個人使命一致 建構團隊文化 績效管理,保持團隊活力 制定個人行動對策
講員 鍾衍文先生 |
一對一教練面談 [日期及時間: 2018年11月 - 2019年1月 (時間另議)] 由資深顧問教練提供45分鐘個人面談,以DISC性格與領導風格報告為出發點,深入討論個人事業及領導發展方向。 |
Course Code | : | 18B-18 |
Date(s) | : | 29/11/2018, 24 & 25/1/2019 |
Time | : | 0930 - 1700 (15 Hours) |
Venue | : | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 |
Target Participants | : | 中心主任及服務經理 |
Class Size | : | 30 |
Language | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
Fee | : | HKD 4,710.00 |
HKD 4,333.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) | ||
Early Bird Fee | : | HKD 3,900.00 (Payment on or before 08/11/2018 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) |
Enquiries | : | 2876 2470 or [email protected] |
Speaker(s) | : |
Dr. WONG Joseph 黃寶琦博士
Principal Consultant
Pro-Key Learning Services Ltd
Dr. Joseph Wong is a management training expert and a seasoned management practitioner with more than twenty-five years’ experience in people development and service management. He has been the head of education services, senior manager of technical services, quality management and business development of Hewlett-Packard, and holds a Doctor of Education degree in lifelong education from the University of Nottingham.
Joseph has trained more than 20,000 managers and professionals in NGOs and commercial organizations in the areas of project management, service management, agile leadership, strategic planning, innovation and DISC. He is renowned for his interactive approach and the ability of integrating management best practices and making them simple and easy to apply. Joseph is a Project Management Professional (PMP), Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), advanced DISC practitioner and behavioral consultant, and MBTI administrator.
Mr. CHUNG Hillman 鍾衍文先生
Human Resources Director
Hon Kwok Land Investment Co., Ltd.
Mr. Chung has 38 years of working experience in Human Resources and Consulting field. He has assumed human resources leadership in different business natures such as hotel, food and beverage operations, estate management, transportation services and resort establishment. Hillman holds a master degree in Human Resources Management from the University of Surrey. He has been a licensed Trainer of a series of programs under an American consulting firm and accredited practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)® Step I & II, a certified administrator of DISC Behavioral Assessment and a certified coach of Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching.
"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .