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Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors in NGOs


According to the HKCSS Institute’s Training Need Analysis (NGO TNA, 2018), junior managers were found to be having difficulties in managing their changed role in terms of attitude and skill set, especially on staff supervision and, workload and work level management. There is also a need for them to have a mutual-support network for on-going challenges and to have different exposure to widen their horizon. "The First-time Manager” (2015) specifies that role and function of a supervisor include recruitment, communication, planning, organizing, training, supervising, performance assessment and dismissal. Based on the needs found, a 5-day programme in 2 months with two clusters of skills is designed to cater for the changing role of a newly promoted supervisor, which are personal efficacy and people management. Besides, a programme in 2-month long in 5 meetings may facilitate participants to build peer network outside the organisation.

The 1st half will focus on personal Growth, self-management and leadership development while the 2nd half will focus HR essences on working with people as a supervisor.


• To equip with newly promoted supervisors with the needed mindset and skills as a people manager
• To enhance the understanding of participants on their strengths and weaknesses on being a people manager for continued learning and growth
• To broaden the network of participants in the NGO sector


Course Code : 20A-C15 to C20 (original: 19B-C05 to C10 )
Date(s) : 23/9, 9/10, 20/10, 3/11, 18/11/2020
Time : 0000 - 0000 (0 Hours)
Venue : Room 202, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
Target Participants : Newly promoted supervisor (preferably within 24 months) with people management role and direct report subordinate(s)
Class Size : 30
Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fee : HKD 6,160.00
    HKD 5,730.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
    HKD 996.00 ("Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme"- the highest subsidy amount is 80% of the course fee. Please refer to “Financial Assistance”.)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 4,980.00 (Payment on or before 02/09/2020 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries : 2876 2470 or
Speaker(s) :


Quota is set for each course in "Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme". All applications are subject to approval. For details, please click HERE .

• This certificate course is not processed on a first come, first served basis, applicant may go through selection process by HKCSS Institute and trainers
• Tuition fee for certificate participants includes a graduation luncheon and a tool book on leadership enhancement

Peer case learning
Certificate participants are required to contribute to case l earning by case preparation, discussion and presentation

Successful applicants, who are eligible to apply "Small NGO Capacity Development Subsidy Programme” (Subsidy), are entitled for a subsidy at 80% off of the course fee. Individual sessions and full certificate are applicable; a maximum of 5 quotas will be given to each session. The full certificate participants have higher priority to apply for the subsidy. Application results will be sent to applicants by email. For details, please visit HKCSS Institute website via the QR code.

• "Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors in NGO” will be issued by HKCSS Institute to full certificate participants who enrolled all sessions and successful completed 80% of the training hours required in every session
• Attendance certificates for individual sessions will be issued by HKCSS Institute to participants upon successful completion of 80% of the training hours required

• 課程內容只提供英文版本

