Project Management with Agile Practices for the New Normal
在現今充滿不確定性的新常態下,有效運用資源及時間去管理項目對社福機構來說尤其重要。機構的管理人員和項目經理除了需要掌握傳統的項目管理技巧外,在多變的環境下,更要配合敏捷實踐(Agile Practices)把項目管理加以提昇,增加管理人員預視問題的能力,有系統地照顧到項目牽涉的不同範疇,才能有效地進行和完成項目。
- 了解行之有效的項目管理框架和最佳實踐,以及敏捷思維和實踐
- 掌握在新常態下提高項目效率和績效的實用技能
- 項目管理框架 (Project Management Framework)
- 五大活動組及十個知識領域
- 項目的六個限制 - 需求分析及項目規劃 (Requirement Analysis and Project Planning)
- 項目章程 (Project Charter) - 進度計劃及管理 (Schedule Planning and Management)
- 工作分解結構 (WBS)
- 甘特圖 (Gantt Chart) - 敏捷項目管理思維和實踐 (Agile Project Management Mindset and Practices)
- 敏捷宣言、思維和實踐
- Scrum 框架和實踐 - 持份者管理 (Stakeholder Management)
- 持份者需求分析
Course Code | : | 22A-02 |
Date(s) | : | 5 Jul 2022 (Tue) |
Time | : | 0930 - 1700 (6 Hours) |
Venue | : | Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK |
Target Participants | : | NGO Managerial & Supervisory Staff (with people management role) |
Class Size | : | 30 |
Language | : | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
Fee | : | HKD 1,180.00 |
HKD 1,100.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) | ||
HKD 192.00 ("Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme"- the highest subsidy amount is 80% of the course fee. Please refer to “Financial Assistance”.) | ||
Early Bird Fee | : | HKD 960.00 (Payment on or before 14/06/2022 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) |
Enquiries | : | 2876 2434 or institute@hkcss.org.hk |
Speaker(s) | : |
Dr. WONG Joseph 黃寶琦博士
Principal Consultant
Pro-Key Learning Services Ltd
Dr. Joseph Wong is a management training expert and a seasoned management practitioner with more than twenty-five years’ experience in people development and service management. He has been the head of education services, senior manager of technical services, quality management and business development of Hewlett-Packard, and holds a Doctor of Education degree in lifelong education from the University of Nottingham.
Joseph has trained more than 20,000 managers and professionals in NGOs and commercial organizations in the areas of project management, service management, agile leadership, strategic planning, innovation and DISC. He is renowned for his interactive approach and the ability of integrating management best practices and making them simple and easy to apply. Joseph is a Project Management Professional (PMP), Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), advanced DISC practitioner and behavioral consultant, and MBTI administrator. |
Quota is set for each course in "Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme". All applications are subject to approval. For details, please click HERE .
About Vaccine Pass & “LeaveHomeSafe” QR Code
- All participants are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code and present their Vaccine Pass for verification to show evidence of vaccination or medical exemption certificate upon entry to the class venue.
- Depending on the latest pandemic situation, the mode of course delivery might change to online class.
- No refund or course withdrawal will be made due to non-fulfillment of QR code scanning and Vaccine Pass verification and/ or change of course delivery mode.
- For details of the Vaccine Pass (疫苗通行證), please visit https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/vaccine-pass.html
(Course Detail in Chinese Version ONLY)