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Innovation: Service vs Organicational Management

(Only Chinese version is available)


  • 創意與創新的分別
  • 創意大師之特質︰達芬奇;愛迪生和愛因斯坦
  • 促進創造力的工具︰SCAMPER and Idea Box
  • 服務創新的特性
  • 社會服務的7種創新
  • 透過Service Blueprinting去改進服務
  • 彼得‧杜魯克 (Peter Drucker)對服務創新的建議
  • 創新和管理︰怎樣建構創新文化


Course Code : 09A-06
Date(s) : 14/5/2009
Time : 0930 - 1700 (6 Hours)
Venue : Room 202, 2/F Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
Target Participants : 區域督導主任、區域經理、分區總監或以上
Class Size : 30
Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fee : HKD 770.00
    HKD 700.00 (For HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee : HKD 630.00 (Payment on or before 30/04/2009 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Enquiries : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
Speaker(s) :
Dr. Fung Philip 馮炳全博士
Founder and Principal Consultant
Houston Leadership Training Center
Dr. Philip Fung is a popular speaker, executive coach, and trainer in Hong Kong. He has over 30 years of experience in human resources management and leadership development.

He is also a specialist in knowledge management and has advised public and private companies to set up a knowledge management system and build up a knowledge-sharing culture.

Dr. Fung is very active in social service. He has served as an executive board member and committee member of Heep Hong Society, Yan Oi Tong, Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, and Lok Chi Association.

He is currently the Honorary Advisor of the Institute of Impact Strategy of The D. H. Chen Foundation, providing advice and support to a network of NGOs.
Ms. 邱吳麗端女士 邱吳麗端女士


"Small NGO Talent Development Subsidy Programme" does not apply to this course. For other financial support, please click HERE .
