


非政府機構薪酬調查 2013 (只提供英文版本)

非政府機構薪酬調查 2013 (只提供英文版本)


The introduction of Lump Sum Grant has transformed the resources management of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the social service sector, especially in human resources management. NGOs are given the freedom to manage their staff structure, staff-mix and the level of salary and benefits under the new funding mode.

NGOs of the welfare sector are entering into the post-Tide-Over Grant (TOG) period. With regard to the expenditure in salary and benefits, it usually carries over 70% of the total expenditure of an organization. To facilitate NGOs in determining the levels of salary and benefits with flexibility to meet their organizational requirements, more relevant information regarding the remuneration and benefits policy and strategy of the sectors should be made available.

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the "HKCSS") commissioned Stat Solutions Co. to conduct the HKCSS NGOs Salary Survey 2013 (the "Survey") among the Agency Members of HKCSS. The Survey intends to provide participating Agency Members more comprehensive and updated sector-wide information on the salary and benefits offered by the participating Agency Members to their staff.

During 2005-2008, the pay data did not cover "snapshot staff" of participating Agency Members receiving subvention from the Social Welfare Department of HKSAR Government. In 2009, due to the completion of TOG, more organizations reviewed their salary scales. Therefore the pay data covered has expanded to those Agency Members who do not strictly follow the Master Pay Scale (the "MPS") in their remuneration and benefits design.

The results of the Survey aim to provide reference information to assist the Participating Agency Members in positioning their remuneration and benefits strategies to attract, reward and motivate staff and revamping the relevant human resources management practices to meet the challenging operating environment.

We have 94 Agency Members participating in the survey this year, which is the highest response rate since the survey was launched in 2003. Of these 94 participating Agency Members, 15 members are new participants.

In order to collect more comprehensive information on pay scale structure, both starting and maximum salaries for each specified job offered by the participating Agency Members have been introduced on the questionnaire since 2012. As a result, it gives a better understanding among the participating Agency Members on the salary scale of that particular job in the market.

  1. The analysis of benefit has not been conducted this year as it is to be done bi-annually.
  2. These are staff on the recognised establishment of NGOs’ subvented service units as at 1 April 2000. Their terms and conditions of employment are guaranteed provided that they remain employed by the same NGO and have not been regraded or promoted to another rank.

Objective and Scope

The objective of this Survey is to provide Participating Agency Members the most updated reference information on the following issues:

  1. summary of salary data for a set of benchmarked positions in different job families;
  2. summary findings of human resources management practice among NGOs;
  3. comparison of salary level in past years for each type of the jobs (which salary scales do not strictly follow the MPS); and
  4. average percentage of overall salary adjustment awarded to eligible staff in organizations as a result of the regular salary review.

The reference date of the salary data in this Survey is as of 31 October 2013. It covered 28,096 full-time staff in-post whose salary scales do not strictly follow the MPS. A total of 45 benchmarked jobs have been selected for this Survey.

Survey Methodology

The following methodology was deployed in this Survey.

Design of the Survey

The questionnaire and job descriptions for benchmarked jobs were developed to:

  1. ensure adequate representation and fair interpretation of findings;
  2. collect empirical data and views from Participating Agency Members on their current practices in salary; and
  3. identify the differences in pay practice due to the heterogeneity of Agency Members.

To facilitate participating Agency Members to complete the questionnaire, the HKCSS answered enquiries on general and administration questions. Stat Solutions Co, as a survey consultant, was responsible for answering technical questions, conducting data analysis as well as maintenance of all data provided by participating Agency Members in total confidentiality throughout the entire process.

Data Collection and Response Rate

All Agency Members (418 Agency Members as of 30 September 2013) of the HKCSS were invited to participate in this Survey. A total of 94 Agency Members returned the completed questionnaires to Stat Solutions Co. directly.

Data Analysis and Report

Data were entered into an electronic file for tabulation and analyzed by Stat Solutions Co. in a professional and strictly confidential manner. Necessary clarifications were made by Stat Solutions Co. to resolve potential data distortion and ensure completeness, accuracy, reliability and validity. Salary data with less than THREE participating Agency Members would NOT be presented in the report.

Some percentages in the figures may not add up to the total of 100% because of rounding.

Profile of Participants

Profile of Participants

A total of 94 Agency Members joined the survey this year, covering 37,716 full-time staff. Among them, 74.5% are those whose salary scales do not follow the MPS. With reference to the Directory of Social Service Organizations in Hong Kong 2009, the number of full time staff covered in this survey accounts for 77.6% of employees in the social service sector.

Analysis of Pay Management Practice


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