



Electrical stimulation and rehabilitation following stroke



A major challenge in stroke management is to identify effective rehabilitation strategies to optimize the motor functions in patients with stroke. The content of the workshop includes interventions in improving motor functions and outcome measures in evaluating its effectiveness.The learning objectives are:

1. The evidence of task-related training in improving motor functions in patients with stroke;

2. The application of electrical stimulation and task-related training on clinical practice and

3.The evaluation of current outcome measures used in stroke rehabilitation.


課程編號 : 13A-PE12
日期 : 1/11/2013
時間 : 0900 - 1130 (2.5 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
對象 : Social work and health care professionals nominated by their organizations
名額 : 50
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
費用 : 港幣 0.00
    港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 0.00 (在 11/10/2013 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2427 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Dr. NG , Shamay 伍尚美博士
Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr Ng is a registered physiotherapist. She is also the Visiting Professor at the Health and Nursing Department, The Wuhan Polytechnic University in China. Dr Ng’s research interest is on neurorehabilitation, particularly on stroke rehabilitation. Her research findings have been published in international journals such as Stroke, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine etc. She received research grants in conducting randomized controlled trials on efficacy of home-based and community-based stroke rehabilitation programmes and in developing innovative teaching methodology in physiotherapy education.



Enrollment Form: Download from http://www.hkcss.org.hk/institute/13A/pe/cadenza/enrollment_form.pdf

** Applicants should be nominated by their service units / organizations. One organization can nominate up to 3 staff members for each workshop.

Funded by: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Organizer: CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors
Co-organizer: The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
