



Certificate in Accounting Practice and Financial Management for Accounting Staff in NGOs - Internal control and risk management in NGO sector



Staff members in the social service sector are required to handle accounting duties and financial management for their services / projects.  Training programs on Accounting Practices and Financial Management in form of certificate courses were conducted by HKCSSI to facilitate NGO staff to equip with ample knowledge on the subject area and be competent in handling such management duties.

This certificate programme is conducted for staff members with accounting knowledge or financial management background - to facilitate their understanding of the funding requirement and cultural practices of the sector. It is also designed to share with these staff members on the importance of effective communications with different levels of non-accounting professionals in the organization.


NGO accounting professionals and clerical staff are facing increased challenges to discharge their proper financial and accounting roles in their organizations.  A series of workshops will be organized to enable these practitioners responsible for financial and accounting duties to strengthen their knowledge on different funding requirements in managing NGO finances.



To provide practical knowledge and skills for participants who want to master the internal control and risk management in their organizations. It will focus on relevant topics and the environment in NGO with the use of SWD’s Lump Sum Grant (LSG) Manual to walk-through and illustrate.
- Importance and fundamentals of internal control
- Roles of internal audit
- How to set up a risk based internal control system
- Mastering potential areas for investigations under LSG manual
- Monitoring financial risk for projects / activities



課程編號 : 14B-C18
日期 : 11/2/2015
時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
地點 :

Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK

對象 : Accounting professionals and accounting clerical staff with basic accounting knowledge and be responsible for finance and accounting roles of NGOs
名額 : 30
語言 :

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

費用 : 港幣 1,000.00
    港幣 920.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 840.00 (在 21/01/2015 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2470 or institute@hkcss.org.hk
主講嘉賓 :
Ms. Wong , Annie 黃雁玲女士
Finance Manager
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
Ms Annie Wong has over 15 years of accounting experience in commercial and NGO sectors. She is currently the member of HKICPA and CPA Australia.



Those CPAs may apply to claim the CPD hours from CPA Australia and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Certificates will be issued by the HKCSS Institute to participants upon successful completion of all sessions

Course Committee (2014-2015) (in alphabetical order by surname)

Ms Bernice Chan 曾麗萍女士

Member of CPA Australia

Head of Finance & Human Resources Office, Hong Chi Association

Member of Public Sector Committee, CPA Australia-Greater China

Mr Steve Lam 林志輝先生

BSc (Econ), MBA, FCMA, CPA (Aust), FCPA

Deputy Director (Finance & General Administration), Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

Ms Elizabeth Law MH JP 羅君美女士

FCPA (Practising) CA (Canada) ACA (England & Wales)

FCPA (Australia)CPA (Canada)
Stephen Law & Company, Certified Public Accountants
Law & Partners CPA Limited
Member of LAWCPA Network

Ms Wendy Lo盧小藍女士

Executive Manager

International & Relief Service Department

Hong Kong Red Cross

Mr Ng Hang Sau伍杏修先生

Chief Executive Officer

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Ms Annie Wong 黃雁玲女士

Member of HKICPA and CPA Australia

Finance Manager, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
