



在 NGO 中實現社會創新


  • 認識社會創新及於現行社會的重要性
  • 了解社福機構和非牟利機構在共同創造社會創新方案中的角色
  • 掌握有效的方法和技巧來識別全新的社會需要,以及尋找相應的解決方法
  • 內容

  • 甚麼是社會創新?   
  • 哪些人能推動社會創新?他們有甚麼的特質?  
  • 在社會創新的過程中,認識和應用結合設計思考(Design Thinking) 的業務創新的原則:   
    • 從識別全新的需要到建立可行的解決方法
    • 能幫助有效「腦震盪」和創意解難的實用工具和技巧  
  • 社會創新的趨勢 促進社會生態系統和跨界別合作網絡的貼士  
  • 社會創新的最佳實踐例子(將邀請一至兩間社企代表擔任嘉賓講員)

  • 詳細資料

    課程編號 : 15A-03
    日期 : 9 & 10/6/2015
    時間 : 0930 - 1800 (13 小時)
    地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈
    對象 : 需要創新意念對應轉變的社福機構同工      
    名額 : 20
    語言 : 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)
    費用 : 港幣 2,500.00
        港幣 2,250.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
    早鳥費用 : 港幣 2,100.00 (在 22/05/2015 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
    查詢 : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
    主講嘉賓 :
    Ms. TSUI , Elsie 徐苑思
    Elsie Tsui is a certified coach and management consultant specializing in innovation. Prior to setting up her own consulting business, she worked for the Shanghai office of ?WHAT IF! Innovation Partner, a leading innovation consultancy. Her clientele included some of the top MNCs such as Pfizer, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Pernod Ricard, Kraft and IKEA across Asia.

    Specialized in innovation management, innovation capability building and organization transformation programs, Elsie has led many high impact workshops for leaders from Fortune 500 companies across Europe and Asia to promote innovation and change at the both individual and organization levels.

    In addition to her consulting practice, Elsie is also a part-time lecturer for the post-graduate program of management studies at Institute of China Business, HKU SPACE. She teaches innovation management and coaching for organization development.
    Ms. LAI , Michelle 黎慧婷
    黎慧婷現為聖雅各福群會轄下社會企業Green Ladies及吉田社會企業的負責人。黎小姐在2011年加入聖雅各福群會,憑藉她以往在商界的經驗,於機構擔任環保項目的市場主任。直至去年接任Green Ladies經理一職,黎小姐繼續帶領團隊以寄賣模式經營,推動時裝重用及中年婦女就業。去年,Green Ladies 在港島以外開設了第三間分店,佔地1,000餘呎。三間分店預期每年回收約138,000件時裝並重用約97,000件,重用率高達70%。
    在2014年,Green Ladies是香港社會企業總會主辦之「全港第一屆社企認證系統 (SEE Mark)」首批獲認證的社企,並獲評定為「創進級」,更第二度獲「黃廷方慈善基金」捐贈10萬元作發展用途。
    Ms. LEUNG , Doris 梁淑儀
    鑽的 - 無障礙的士服務
    Doris Leung was graduated at Hong Kong Polytechnic University studying Language and Communication. After the first degree, she finished the Master in Journalism at Hong Kong University.

    She worked at I-Cable News since graduation and had been promoted to Principal Reporter before quitting in 2009. Doris’ interest is reporting community stories in which she enjoys human touch with the underprivileged.

    With the deeply rooted concept on social injustice, she found her new career path with Social Ventures Hong Kong, a venture philanthropy organization supporting the social enterprises. She volunteers herself to organize the member activities at SVhk and also incubate the social enterprise idea of disabled transportation.

    Doris is deeply involved in the disabled transportation because her mom became the wheelchair user in 2007 due to brain cancer. She found the social injustice with serious lack of legal, safe and convenient point-to-point transportation for wheelchair users in Hong Kong.

    After working hard for years, Doris finally set up Diamond Cab (HK) Limited with the support of SVhk, taxi license owner, nursing home owners and a group of visionary individuals. She is the CEO managing the daily operation of the cab fleet and developing the business to sustain the company with groundbreaking social innovation.

    Doris was awarded Young Social Entrepreneur Award 2011, Capital Leaders of Excellence 2011, Finalist (Asia Pacific) of Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2013 and The Purpose Economy Asia 100 respectively. Diamond Cab is the Highly Commended International Social Enterprise of the Year at UK Social Enterprise Awards 2012, The Fifth of My Favorite Best Five Social Enterprises in 2013, The 5th HK Outstanding Citizenship Bronze Award and Hong Kong Winner of Chivas The Venture, one of the 20 global finalists.



    第一天: 7 小時 (0930-1800)
    第二天: 6 小時 (0930-1700)
    Ms Michelle Lai 黎慧婷女士

    Ms Doris Leung 梁淑儀女士
    鑽的 - 無障礙的士服務行政總裁
