



Leadership Expression in Public Communications



Leaders are facing much greater challenge than ever. The increasing complexity of social problems due to changing social and economic environment, rising public expectation in governance, use of resources and service performance, etc are imposing higher pressure on leadership. New leaders of the sector, who can communicate effectively with different stakeholders to exert influence for the good of society, willbe the engine of the development of the sector.

This 100-hour leadership development program will bring together 24 top executives to the same platform to share, to learn and to exchange ideas with cross-sectors, government , policy makers and opinion leaders.


1. To develop new leadership of the sector
‧ Share new vision
‧ Build sensitivity to social issues of concerns
‧ Nurture innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainability
2. To strengthen affiliation, sharing and mutual support network
3. To provide problem-focused training activities to enhance management capacity


課程編號 : 10A-EDP
日期 : 15/7/2010
時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
對象 : Whole programme
NGO leaders occupying top executive position. In order to ensure high-quality experience, the enrollment is limited to 24 core participants. Nomination by Board of Director is requiried.
For some selected talks and workshops, other NGO leaders and top executives are welcome to join. The affiliated group of participant is limited to 16 participants.
名額 : 0
語言 :
費用 : 港幣 0.00
    港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 0.00 (在 00/00/0000 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
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