課程編號 | : | SS2019-SM |
日期 | : | 25/9/2019 |
時間 | : | 1630 - 1800 (1.5 小時) |
地點 | : | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 |
對象 | : | HKCSS Agency Members’ Senior Management Staff and HR-in-charge |
名額 | : | 100 |
語言 | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 |
港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 (在 11/09/2019 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2434 or salarysurvey@hkcss.org.hk |
主講嘉賓 | : |
黎先生為香港董事學會會員及香港人力資源管理學會資深會員,並曾於2005至2008年出任香港人力資源管理學會會長一職。 黎先生為前中電控股有限公司集團人力資源經理。亦曾任香港大學專業進修學院高級課程發展主任及多間院校之講師。黎先生現為香港紅十字會理事會及人力資源諮詢小組主席、香港善導會理事會及人力資源員會成員及香港乳癌基金會之人力資源委員會委員。
Mr. Lam , Weymond 林亢威先生
F.I.H.R.M (HK)
Retired Human Resources Management Practitioner
Mr Lam was a seasoned human resources management practitioner for over 30 years before his retirement in 2014. His extensive human resources management experience encompasses different industries including construction, real estate, telecommunication, trading and finance, and different cultural background. Mr Lam has been conducting management related training courses and as voluntary committee member for various NGOs since the early 90s. He is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management in which he served at various time as the Vice President, Member of the Executive Council, co-Chairman of the Professional Standards Committee and member of various committees. At present, he is a Honorary Assistant Professor teaching people management course at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong.
-報名參與「非政府組織薪酬調查及非政府組織福利調查2019」:http://bit.ly/salarybenefitsurvey2019 (截止日期:2019年10月8日(星期二))