Lump Sum Grant Subvention System - Part II - Reporting and Implications of Lump Sum Grant Manual & Lotteries Fund
To provide participants with necessary knowledge to understand the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System
- To study SWD statutory report requirements and compliance (other than Annual Financial Report) in annual submission
- To cover the report requirements of Social Welfare Development Fund
- To briefly explain Best Practice Manual and its compliance
- To cover an overview of the Major Grant and Block Grant of Lotteries Fund: their usage, application and reporting requirements
- To study the procurement procedures and practices of Chapter 6: Procurement and Stores Management of Lotteries Fund Manual
課程編號 | : | 20B-20 |
日期 | : | 8/4/2021 |
時間 | : | 0930 - 1745 (6 小時) |
地點 | : | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 |
對象 | : | Front line/accounting staff and non-financial professionals responsible for or involved in the operations of SWD’s subvented organisations |
名額 | : | 30 |
語言 | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
費用 | : | 港幣 1,340.00 |
港幣 1,240.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
港幣 214.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 1,070.00 (在 18/03/2021 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2434 or |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Mr. LAM Steve 林志輝先生
BSc (Econ), MBA, FCMA, CPA (Aust), FCPA
Financial Management Consultant
Mr. Steve Lam was previously the Deputy Director (Finance & General Administration) of a local NGO. With his experiences in the financial profession of over 30 years and in the social service organisations, he can provide insights to NGO staff in topics relating to financial management. Prior to joining NGO sector, he had rich experiences in financial and management accounting, financial management and taxation in the commercial sector. Steve is also an experienced trainer in many similar training courses for social work professionals and is a popular speaker in many NGO seminars with topics in relation to financial management. He is now an Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the Hong Kong University and currently holds the qualifications of Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Management Accountant and Certified Practising Accountant (Australia).
- The course is not offered on the basis of first come, first served
- Screening of applications by the HKCSS Institute and trainer for eligibility for taking the course may apply
- The course will NOT cover SWD’s Annual Financial Report
- Participants are not required to study "Lump Sum Grant Subvention System - Part I - An Overview of Basics & Latest Updates, AFR and Procurement” before taking this course