In this fast-changing world especially after the pandemic, digital adoption and transformation have taken a quantum leap at both the organisational and community levels. Digital transformation is changing the way people connect, communicate, and work.
Just like any other sector, the social service sector is facing big challenges and new mindset and qualities would be needed for leaders to respond to social needs in an effective and timely manner. Leading effectively in the digital workplace means adapting and extending core leadership skills to include a new set of practices. Successful digital transformation starts with digital leadership.
- Digital leadership and leader: New norm under the VUCA world
- Selection and development for digital leader: Mindset & practices
- Winning strategy for digital transformation: Vision & communication
- Digital leadership skills, principles and maturity assessment
- Managing future workforce: Staff, slash & robotics
課程編號 | : | 21B-13 |
日期 | : | 20 Apr 2022 (Wed) |
時間 | : | 0930 - 1700 (6 小時) |
地點 | : | Zoom網上授課 |
對象 | : | NGO Managerial & Supervisory Staff |
名額 | : | 30 |
語言 | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
費用 | : | 港幣 1,140.00 |
港幣 1,060.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
港幣 184.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 920.00 (在 06/04/2022 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2434 or institute@hkcss.org.hk |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Dr. Wan Joey 尹祖伊博士
ECOACH Consulting
尹祖伊博士為ECOACH Consulting的管理培訓顧問,曾任彼得.德魯克管理學院首席認證講師。過去12年,尹博士為大中華地區不同工商、金融業界及政府、非營利組織提供管理及領導力訓練;也在香港大學專業進修學院教導有關數碼轉型、組織文化及領導變革的課程。 |
【上課日期或因應疫情而有所更改,HKCSS Institute將會通知已報名學員最新課堂安排。】