



知識管理 - 制定明確的知識分類計劃以助提升工作效率


  • To be familiar with the different forms that taxonomies can take, the uses and functions for taxonomies in an organisation
  • To be able to use taxonomy design principles to design simple taxonomies
  • To be able to scope and plan a taxonomy project, including conducting appropriate tests and evaluations at different stages of taxonomy development and deployment


  • Defining taxonomies and identifying different taxonomy forms
  • The different kinds of value that taxonomies and taxonmy work can bring within organisations
  • Taxonomy building: scoping a taxonomy project
  • Taxonomy design principles
  • Taxonomy testing techniques
  • Taxonomy deployment - metadata and search
  • The importance of taxonomy governance


課程編號 : 12B-30
日期 : 7/3/2013
時間 : 1430 - 1730 (3 小時)
地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈
對象 : NGO Managerial Staff
名額 : 30
語言 : 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)
費用 : 港幣 465.00
    港幣 425.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 385.00 (在 14/02/2013 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Ms. Sy , Nicole 施少婷女士
Management Specialist, Knowledge Management Research Centre
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ms Nicole Sy graduated from the University of Guelph, Canada and obtained a Master of Science in Information Systems at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). She is working as Knowledge Management(KM) Specialist in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and is responsible for conducting KM projects for internal business units and external corporate clients where she acquired extensive KM training and consultancy experience with leading companies, including CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd, Dragon Air Ltd, Hong Kong Post and the HKSAR. She is currently the program director and trainer for the Certified Knowledge Professionals course at the PolyU.


