



Performance Management - Coaching and Mentoring



  • ŸTo equip the coaching skills and master the critical steps of effective coaching
  • To understand the importance of mentoring in maximizing the team performance


  • Identifying, Planning and Making Coaching Opportunities
  • Critical Steps of Coaching as an Effective Intervention
  • Difficult Coaching Situation: Conflict Preference and Resolution
  • Mentoring On-going Progress


課程編號 : 13B-06
日期 : 11/11/2013
時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
對象 : NGO Managerial and Supervisory Staff
名額 : 30
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
費用 : 港幣 980.00
    港幣 880.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 800.00 (在 21/10/2013 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Dr. KWONG , Michael 鄺俊偉博士
Principal Trainer
InnoEdge Consulting Limited
Dr Michael Kwong holds degree from the University of Nottingham (U.K.) and Newport University (U.S.). He has worked in various leading media corporations including Asia Television, The Express News (Deputy Sales Director) and the New Evening Post (General Manager, Advertising Dept.) with over fifteen years’ successful experience in the sales and marketing field.

Dr Kwong has been a business consultant and a part-time lecturer for a few institutions including HKMA, CUHK SCS, CityU SCOPE, PolyU (CBC, HKCC & SPEED), etc. He is especially strong to deliver training with topics in: win-win negotiation, supervisory skills, Leadership with Chinese Wisdom, EQ and AQ, customer service excellence, customer relationship management, professional selling skills, marketing strategy, creative thinking, team building and communication.

Dr Kwong is a training consultant specializing in the area of Chinese Wisdom Leadership Skills, Media Skills, Selling and Negotiation Skills. He was also the co-author of "Relationship Marketing: the business strategy for e-commerce" (2000) and a contributing author of "The 21st Century Business Strategy" (2001) and "Strategies in Performance Management" (2006).


