



Branding in the Digital Era



This workshop enables you to understand how a brand can facilitate success in a competitive landscape, and develop an intuitive mindset for branding. You will acquire the necessary mindset and skillsets to build and evolve a brand in a fast changing, digital empowered environment


  • Gain practical insights on the changing landscape of marketing and branding
  • Learn how to apply this knowledge, and integrate state of the art tools into traditional marketing plans to fulfill unique objectives
  • 內容

  • Why a brand is important to a company's overall business strategy
  • The key criteria for a strong brand
  • How to formulate a competitive brand strategy
  • How to manage a brand in the midst of change
    1. What is changing and why?
    2. How to envision change and effecting change
    3. Why is innovation important, how to innovate and manifest innovations


    課程編號 : 15B-05
    日期 : 15/12/2015
    時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
    地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈
    對象 : NGO Managerial Staff
    名額 : 30
    語言 : 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)
    費用 : 港幣 1,000.00
        港幣 920.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
        港幣 168.00 (「小型機構人才發展資助計劃」最高資助額為學費80%,詳請瀏覽-「資助計劃」內容)
    早鳥費用 : 港幣 840.00 (在 24/11/2015 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
    查詢 : 2876 2470 or [email protected]
    主講嘉賓 :
    Ms. BUTT , Carolyn 畢靄琼女士
    Chief Consultant
    Ms Butt develops and delivers on an intensive curriculum that includes Marketing, Branding and Communications to Corporate Clients in need of such skillsets. She is currently the lead trainer for the Marketing Academy for Hong Kong Telecom CSL. She also trains on subjects such as Strategic Planning and Account Management in various Advertising Agencies, and at the Bank of Beijing on Branding and Cultural Integration. As well, she lectures at the Hong Kong Baptist University on Advertising Management. Prior to her life as a trainer, Carolyn has built strong brands for a diverse array of industries in Asia and North America for over 20 years, and is highly regarded in the industry for her strong strategic mind and her ability to inspire award-winning creative work that generates results for her clients. She has developed sizzling campaigns that have received well over a hundred advertising and marketing awards from Asia, USA and Canada.


