



Session 4.2: Making Good Use of Social Media in Fundraising



In order to be sustainable, social service organizations need to find and diversify the funding source. This course helps social work practitioners to identify different ways of fundraising to enhance their organisations’ fundraising capability. It is designed for social work practitioners who would like to equip and advance their practical skills on fundraising.


1. To introduce the fundraising planning cycle and it’s applications at agency level
2. To describe the concept and application on donor relations management and it’s relation to fund raising sustainability
3. To introduce typical fundraising tools with NGO examples


-Types of online social media and their current situation
-How to develop and execute online social media for fundraising activities?


課程編號 : 12A-C18
日期 : 9/10/2012
時間 : 1400 - 1700 (3 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
對象 : 1. The full programme is designed for NGO staffs working in fundraising, communications, and donor relations at managerial or supervisory level.
2. Individual sessions are suitable for NGO staffs who are interested in the topic.
名額 : 30
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
費用 : 港幣 465.00
    港幣 425.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 385.00 (在 18/09/2012 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : HKCSS Institute: 2876 2470 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Mr. Szeto , Ralph 司徒廣釗先生
Business Development Director
CMRS Digital Solutions Limited
Mr Szeto graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a Degree in Humanities and Master Degree in Communications. He is one of the founders of CMRS Digital Solutions Limited, which develops and provides various marketing solutions on social media and digital marketing services. Mr Szeto is currently the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Association of Internet Marketing and Executive of the Interactive and Direct Committee of HK4As. He is also a guest lecturer of several universities and organizations.



1. "Certificate in Fundraising for NGOs” will be issued by the HKCSS Institute to participants who have fully completed 24 hours PLUS participated in project presentation (session 4.5). Attending hours of session 4.5 will not be counted.
2. Attendance Certificates will be issued to participants upon completion of each individual whole session.
