社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第五節)- Digital Transformation: New Dimension of Connection and Engagement via AR and VR
【第五節 - Digital Transformation: New Dimension of Connection and Engagement via AR and VR】
注意: 本課堂屬《社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第三屆)》之其中一章節,不能獨立報讀。
- Introduction of Metaverse and its Impact on NGO Service Planning and Delivery in the Future
- Use of AR and VR - How and Why?
- Examples of Promotion using AR and VR
課程編號 | : | 22A-C16 |
日期 | : | 29 Sep 2022 (Thu) |
時間 | : | 1500 - 1700 (2 小時) |
地點 | : | Zoom網上授課 |
對象 | : |
名額 | : | 100 |
語言 | : | 粵語(以英語及普通話輔助) |
費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 |
港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 (在 20/06/2022 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2864 2905 / 2864 2955 或 institute@hkcss.org.hk |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Ms. TAM Maggie 譚雋蘭女士
Public Policy Manager (Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia)
Maggie is Public Policy Manager of Meta for Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. In this role, Maggie works closely with the government, policymakers, political parties and NGOs on relevant public policy issues, programs and partnerships. Prior to joining Meta, Maggie has held various roles of public affairs and communications equipped with hands-on issue management and community relations experience and diverse industry knowledge, most notably in two of Hong Kong's largest conglomerates, Swire Properties and New World Development.
Maggie started her career as a journalist at South China Morning Post after earning a journalism and communications bachelor’s degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. She also took her master’s degree at the University of Hong Kong in public administration.
Ms. LEE Charis 李卓蓓女士
Policy Programs Manager (Hong Kong, Taiwan & Mongolia)
Charis is the policy programs manager at Meta, leading various programs, campaigns and partnerships in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia. Her works focus on empowering stakeholders, SMBs & local communities across a range of content such as digital literacy education, digital transformation & innovation to bring social & economic impacts.
Prior to Meta, she worked at J.P. Morgan and UBS, specialized in philanthropic projects and event marketing across APAC. |
課程截止報名日期: 20/06/2022
- 本證書課程並非以「先到先得」收生,報名申請會交由Meta及HKCSS Institute作甄選。
- 本證書課程之費用由Meta資助,參加者無需支付學費,但須支付港幣$500作報名按金。
- 報名者遞交表格後,請在5個工作天內,將港幣$500之按金以劃線支票形式,連同已貼上足夠郵費的回郵信封(以作退回$500按金之用),郵寄或親身遞交至HKCSS Institute,方為完成報名。支票後方請寫上報名同工之姓名、機構名稱及聯絡電話,以茲識別。
《支票抬頭:香港社會服務聯會 / The Hong Kong Council of Social Service》
《HKCSS Institute地址:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈9樓906室》
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- 整個課程之出席率達80%或以上的參加者,將獲頒發由Meta及香港社會服務聯會共同簽發之課程證書
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注意: 本課堂屬《社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第三屆)》之其中一章節,不能獨立報讀。如欲報讀本證書課程,請按此。
社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022
社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第一節)
社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第二節)
社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第三節)
社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列:Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 2022(第四節)