NGO Executive Development Programme
The programme is composed of 4 themes to provide NGOs’ Supervisors or Centre-in-charges with the tools and frameworks needed to understand the context in improving personal and organizational performance, it will help participants to:
Broaden strategic horizon through interaction with distinguished trainers, guest speakers and peers
Learn powerful strategies and skills for leading change, crisis management, effective communication
Understand their strengths and weaknesses, and develop plan(s) for continuous learning and professional growth.
Course Structure
Session/Date |
Topic |
Trainers & Guest Speakers (Partial list) |
Module 1: Personal Development & Leadership |
Session 1 12 September 0930-1730 |
Mr Stanley Chak |
Session 2 19 September 0930 – 1730 |
Mr Hillman Chung
Module 2: Managing People |
Session 3* 26 September 0930 – 1800 |
Mr Joseph Wong
Session 4* 3 October 0930 – 1800
Mr Hillman Chung
Session 5* 10 October 0930 – 1800 |
Mr Lee Kam Hung |
Module 3 : Managing External Environment |
Session 6 17 October 0930-1230 |
Ms Annita Mau |
Session 7* 24 October 0930 – 1800 |
Ms Cindy Yu |
Session 8* 31 October 0930 – 1800 |
Mr Sam Ng |
Module 4: Social Innovation and Organizational Change |
Session 9 7 November 0930 – 1730 |
Mr Joseph Wong Mr Ma Kam Wah |
Session 10 14 November 0930 – 1730
Dr Philip Fung |
Session 11 21 November 0930 – 1730
Mr Joseph Wong
HKCSS Institute
課程編號 | : | 13A-EDP |
日期 | : | 9 - 11/2013 |
時間 | : | 0930 - 1800 (7 小時) |
地點 | : | Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK |
對象 | : |
Supervisors or Centre-in-charges with at least 5 years’ experience in the social welfare sector (of which 3 years at supervising position), who are ready to take up leading role in their future career. |
名額 | : | 30 |
語言 | : | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
費用 | : | 港幣 10,000.00 |
港幣 9,500.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 9,000.00 (在 22/08/2013 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2470 or |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Mr. Chak , Stanley 翟創志先生
Managing Consultant
LRT Consulting
Mr Chak is committed to helping organizations develop people potential, talents engagement and customer value. With more than 25 years of people and organization development experience, Stanley has consulted to a wide range of local and multinational organizations such as Nike, Levi Strauss, Citibank, CLP Power, HSBC, Education Bureau and schools, SWD, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and NGOs. To help develop the professional standard of presenters, trainers and HR managers, Stanley was commissioned by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management to develop a Body of Knowledge (Learning & Development) for her membership in 2009. Over 2500 managers and professionals have attended Stanley’s High Impact Presentation and Train-the-Trainer workshops in Asia Pacific since 1996.
繆女士畢業於香港中文大學英文系,香港大學犯罪學碩士,香港理工大學對外漢語教學碩士。持英國諾定咸大學(Post Grad)教育文憑。具多年公共事務顧問及培訓經驗,特別專長於政府、社區、傳媒關係和危機傳訊及管理。曾任公私營機構傳訊部門主管、廉政公署培訓主任等,並取得中國國家高級企業培訓師(副教授級)資格。
Mr. CHUNG Hillman 鍾衍文先生
Human Resources DIrector
Hon Kwok Land Investment Co., Ltd.
鍾衍文先生累積了近38年的人力資源管理的工作經驗,他曾於多類型的商業機構,如酒店、餐飲服務、物業管理、運輸服務和康樂會所,擔當人力資源領導的角色。鍾衍文先生並曾為一家美國顧問公司擔任高級顧問,他主要為不同企業和政府機構教授培訓課程,他曾為不同的企業主持專業培訓及講座,有效地協助員工發揮潛能,提升員工士氣和歸屬感,為企業帶來正面的效益。 鍾衍文先生憑著其豐富的人力資源管理及營運經驗,能準確地為全新的項目作周詳規劃,並制訂公司願景、使命、主導價值觀及營運管理模式,他擅長招聘管理團隊、設計和撰寫全方位的人力資源政策、推行有系統的培訓計劃、建立績效管理系統和內部運作體系。通過他獨到的分析及切合需要的策略性人力資源規劃,使所有新發展的業務,都能夠在短期內達到業務目標。
Ms. Yu , Cindy 余蕙芳女士
Senior Training Consultant and Facilitator
Legend Strategic Consultancy (HK) Ltd.
Ms Yu possesses more than 25 years work experience in tourism, financial & training fields. She was responsible for training and coaching all frontline sales and oversee the entire operation and front lines servicing, set direction and strategies for market segment. She has been accredited as Certified International Services Quality Management Practitioner (ISQMP), Internal Quality Auditor of Qualicert® by SGS. Besides, she also certified as Professional Corporate Trainer (Level 1) by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. She has a highly successful track record in working with groups and facilitating learning, activities and interpersonal communication for all levels of participants.
Dr. WONG Joseph 黃寶琦博士
Principal Consultant
Pro-Key Learning Services Ltd
擁有接近三十年企業培訓、諮詢及服務管理經驗,專長於策略計畫、敏捷領導、項目管理及性格分析等方面的培訓及教練工作。Joseph已為商業及社福機構培訓超過20,000名管理及專業人員,並以互動教學及管理模型的整合著稱。Joseph曾於跨國科技企業擔任人力發展、客戶服務、品質管理及業務發展等多個管理崗位。他為諾丁咸大學教育博士,並持有终身學習碩士學位及工程學位,並擁有PMP、PMI-ACP、ITIL Expert及DISC等專業資格。
Mr. Ng Chi sum , Sam 吳志森先生
Mr Ng is a veteran in the mass media with 30 years of experience in various influential media organizations. He is now hosting RTHK TV program “Headliner”(頭條新聞). He worked for TVB’s news department for 9 years, and was the producer of TVB’s renowned program “News Magazine”(新聞透視). He was the host of the well-known phone-in radio program “Tea Cup in the Storm”(風波裡的茶杯), “An Hour More”(清談一點鐘), and ”Openline Openview”(自由風自由phone). In addition, he is also the commentator and columnist for several reputable newspapers, including “Mingpao”(明報)and “Apple Daily”(蘋果日報). Mr. Ng has solid experience as a trainer. Since 1996, he has organized a lot of workshops on media skills and crisis communications for Government officers, politicians and NGOs.
Mr. LEE Kam Hung 李錦洪先生
資深跨媒體工作者,歷任報紙主編及電台電視節目主持,近年專注為教會及公私營企業開設培訓課程,應不同界別及地域邀請作專題演講,既授劍法,也傳心法。同時在D100全球網絡電台主持《新聞天地》及《人間錦言》節目,任職香港城市大學EMBA "Public Speaking & Communications" 課程特聘講師。
Mr. MA Kam Wah , Timothy 馬錦華先生
Chief Consultant
Ma Kam Wah & Co
Under Mr Ma’s 16 years’ leadership, SCHSA is now commented as the most successfully self-financed social enterprise
serving multi-thousand service users in Hong Kong. With his prior solid fundraising experience, he is now a trainer on Fundraising and Risk Management and has conducted lots of staff training for the NGOs on topics like Team Building, Creativity and Innovation, Leading Efficient Meeting, Resource Development, Efficient and Effective Supervision Funding Proposal. He is now the Chief Consultant of Ma Kam Wah & Co, a management consultancy supporting NGOs fundraising, strategic planning and risk management training.
Dr. Fung Philip 馮炳全博士
Founder and Principal Consultant
Houston Leadership Training Center
馮博士在策略規劃方面有豐富的教學及實戰經驗,他曾協助多間非政府機構,包括:仁愛堂、香港路德會社會服務處、香港家庭計劃指導會及香港復康會制訂策略規劃,並連續三年為中文大學社工系教授策略規劃課程。 在機構管治方面,馮博士曾經參與協康會執行委員會、仁愛堂社會服務委員會和香港復康會復康委員會之工作。 |
Fees: |
Staff of HKCSS Agency Member enrolled on/before 22 August 2013 |
$9,000 |
Staff of HKCSS Agency Member |
$9,500 |
Non Agency Member |
$10,000 |
DISCStyles Individual Assessment (Optional) |
+ $2,000 |
1. DISCStyles Online Assessment
Gain awareness of personal strength and motivation
Uncover career development opportunities
Improve methods for interpersonal communication
2. Individual Assessment – One-on-One Debriefing (Optional)
After completing the DiSC online assessment, you can join a 25-min One-on-One debriefing. The debriefing will be conducted by an individual consultant, who will provide professional consultancy service, advices on your personal development, and discuss direction and action plan on how to improve yourself in working with different profiles
3. Interfacing with Different Sectors for Networking
In addition to the provision of distinguished trainers from consulting firms or respective professional organizations, esteemed guest speakers from corporations and professional bodies are also invited to share their insights with participants.
4. Peer Learning Sessions*
Apart from a holistic training program delivered by respected trainers, the experienced participants will form groups to present an incident of their organizations, to lead discussions and invite comments / insights from peers regarding different training topics. The topics will cover areas mentioned below:
Team Conflicts (Session 3)
Staff Motivation (Session 4)
Communications (Session 5)
Complaint Handling (Session 7)
Crisis Handling (Session 8)
Certificate will be conferred by HKCSS Institute with over 80% attendance and a deliverance of a sharing in peer learning session.