社福機構數碼宣傳企劃系列 - Facebook及Instagram管理工作坊 (第三節) - Instagram
This series is designed for NGO practitioners to enhance their knowledge and skills in digital and social media marketing to cope with the rising challenges and changing dynamics of the social environment.
• To demonstrate the best practices and latest updates on the use of Facebook tools and resources for NGOs to reach out more effectively to their target groups for various good causes
• To maximize the influence of NGOs and create positive impact in the communities
• Techniques
• Tools and Resources
• Stories
• Use of Stickers & Filters
• Insights
• Ads
課程編號 | : | 20A-C08 |
日期 | : | 26/8/2020 |
時間 | : | 1530 - 1700 (1.5 小時) |
地點 | : | Online platform through BlueJeans* (Changed to GoToWebinar for better user experience)
* BlueJeans is a cloud-based video conferencing service platform. |
對象 | : | Two applicants from one NGO, one from management level and one who has hands-on experience in managing social media channel(s) for the organization |
名額 | : | 50 |
語言 | : | 粵語 (輔以英文詞彙) |
費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 |
港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 (在 15/07/2020 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2434 or [email protected] |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Ms. LI Aurora 李鶴女士
Mr. CHOW Charles 周子烈先生
周子烈現職為Facebook香港及台灣推廣經理,平日他為政府部門、政黨及非政府組織提供培訓,讓他們更有效使用 Facebook 及 Instagram。在加入 Facebook 之前,他曾在新加坡國營電視台擔任編導,香港特區政府新聞處擔任新聞主任,以及在新鴻基地產工作,負責公共事務及企業傳訊。
• The Master Class is not offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Application screening by Facebook and HKCSS Institute may apply.
*Participants with relevant promotional experience using Facebook or Instagram for projects with these themes will have higher priority to be accepted for session 5.
• Applicants enrolled all sessions of the Master Class have higher priority to be accepted.
• Attendance certificates for individual sessions will NOT be issued to participants.
• 課程內容只提供英文版本