Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 1 (Think In and Out of the Box & GEAR Leadership)
【Session 1 - Think In and Out of the Box & GEAR Leadership】
Note: This session is part of the “Certificate Programme for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023”. Enrollment for this individual session is NOT applicable. For details of the full certificate programme, please click HERE.
- To provide participants with the opportunity for self-review, enhance their self-awareness on mindset change, and break through their limiting beliefs
- To cultivate a positive growth mindset
- To understand GEAR leadership model for leading and motivating team
- To learn and master the methodology of design thinking and apply it to co-create the leadership attributes
Think In and Out of the Box (AM Session)
- What is Growth Mindset?
- What is the Box? What is “Your Box”?
- What are our thinking and limiting beliefs that impact our leadership?
- Experiencing The Box
- What are we willing to change in our thinking that in return enhances our Growth Mindset?
Essence of GEAR Leadership (PM Session)
- G – Inspire Growth mindset through role re-definition of leaders and followers as design-thinker, dreamcatcher, champion of continuous improvement, happiness code builder, as well as growth evangelist
- E – Empower effectively with 3-E approach: Engage followers, Enable quality exercise of discretion and flexibility, and Empower with appropriate delegation and encouragement
- A – Stimulate Agility in task and people management for effectiveness and efficiency enhancement with creativity, and nurture solution-orientation of the team
- R – Nurture Resilience of the team in facing challenges with positive and unbeatable spirits
課程編號 | : | 23B-C01 |
日期 | : | 13 Sep 2023 (Wed) |
時間 | : | 1030 - 1730 (5.5 小時) |
地點 | : | Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK |
對象 | : |
名額 | : | 30 |
語言 | : | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 |
港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員) | ||
早鳥費用 | : | 港幣 0.00 (在 16/08/2023 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員) |
查詢 | : | 2876 2470 or 2876 2434 or institute@hkcss.org.hk |
主講嘉賓 | : |
Ms. SUEN Mary 孫美妮女士
在創立首席快樂官協會之前,孫女士為陞域集團(控股)有限公司的企業文化與人才發展高級總監,通過企業文化轉型培養人才,令他們成為充滿激情和自我驅動的領導者。 孫女士認為,提升員工快樂感已成為重要的商業戰略之一,職場的幸福感已成為員工和管理層共同關心的問題。作為領導者,如何在企業中營造快樂、心理健康的工作環境,倡導企業快樂文化,已是企業管理上的大趨勢。 |
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Getting to Know Each Other
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 2 (Leadership Competency and DISC Personality Style) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Group Coaching Session: Self & Interpersonal Development
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 3 (Forming and Developing Mission-Driven Team)
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 4 (Play and Co-create!) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Group Coaching Session: Team Development
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 5 (Building Ideal Team Culture and Leading Change) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Session 6 (Leadership Communication and Storytelling)
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Group Coaching Session: Strategic Planning on Self and Team
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2023 - Summary of Experience and Way Forward