



Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 2 (Leadership Competency and DISC Personality Style)


【Session 2 - Leadership Competency and DISC Personality Style】 

Note: This session is part of the “Certificate Programme for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024”. Enrollment for this individual session is NOT applicable. For details of the full certificate programme, please click HERE


  • To learn about DISC personality styles, gain self-awareness and awareness of other personalities for better communication and teamwork 
  • To reflect on the leadership competency required and plan development actions


  • Introduction to DISC 
  • Understanding Different DISC Styles 
  • Working with Different DISC Styles 
  • Leadership Competency Development 


課程編號 : 24B-C02
日期 : 19 Sep 2024 (Thu)
時間 : 0930 - 1700 (6 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK
對象 :
  • Newly-promoted supervisors and managers (preferably within 3 years) with people management role and direct report subordinate(s) 
  • Priority will be given to applicants with recommendation from their supervisors/organisations
名額 : 35
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English) 
費用 : 港幣 0.00
    港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 0.00 (在 12/07/2024 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2470 or 2876 2423 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Dr. WONG Joseph 黃寶琦博士
Principal Consultant
Pro-Key Learning Services Ltd
擁有接近三十年企業培訓、諮詢及服務管理經驗,專長於策略計畫、敏捷領導、項目管理及性格分析等方面的培訓及教練工作。Joseph已為商業及社福機構培訓超過20,000名管理及專業人員,並以互動教學及管理模型的整合著稱。Joseph曾於跨國科技企業擔任人力發展、客戶服務、品質管理及業務發展等多個管理崗位。他為諾丁咸大學教育博士,並持有终身學習碩士學位及工程學位,並擁有PMP、PMI-ACP、ITIL Expert及DISC等專業資格。



Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 – Getting to Know Each Other
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 1 (Building Authentic Leadership)
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 1
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 3 (Forming and Developing Mission-Driven Team) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 4 (Play and Co-create!) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 2
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 5 (Building Ideal Team Culture and Leading Change) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 3
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 6 (Leadership Communication and Storytelling) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Summary of Experience and Way Forward
