



Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 5 (Building Ideal Team Culture and Leading Change) & Networking and Insights Sharing


【Session 5 - Building Ideal Team Culture and Leading Change】&【Networking and Insight Sharing】 

Note: This session is part of the “Certificate Programme for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024”. Enrollment for this individual session is NOT applicable. For details of the full certificate programme, please click HERE


  • To understand 4 dimension of culture and 8 distinct team culture in organizations 
  • To fill the gap from current culture and ideal culture by “Lego Serious Play” 
  • To propose detailed action plan for building the ideal team culture in 2 years 


  • 4 Dimension of Identifying Team Culture 
  • Lego - 8 Distinct Team Culture 
  • Lego - Gap Analysis (Current Culture and Ideal Culture) 
  • Action Plan for Result 


課程編號 : 24B-C07
日期 : 12 Nov 2024 (Tue)
時間 : 0930 - 1730 (6.5 小時)
地點 : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK 
對象 :
  • Newly-promoted supervisors and managers (preferably within 3 years) with people management role and direct report subordinate(s) 
  • Priority will be given to applicants with recommendation from their supervisors/organisations 
名額 : 35
語言 : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
費用 : 港幣 0.00
    港幣 0.00 (社聯會員機構職員)
早鳥費用 : 港幣 0.00 (在 12/07/2024 或之前繳款, 只限社聯會員機構職員)
查詢 : 2876 2470 or 2876 2423 or [email protected]
主講嘉賓 :
Dr. WAN Joey 尹祖伊博士
ECOACH Consulting
尹祖伊博士為ECOACH Consulting的管理培訓顧問,曾任彼得.德魯克管理學院首席認證講師。過去12年,尹博士為大中華地區不同工商、金融業界及政府、非營利組織提供管理及領導力訓練;也在香港大學專業進修學院教導有關數碼轉型、組織文化及領導變革的課程。 他曾任美國太子行亞太區總經理,主要負責行銷國際知名品牌和管理亞太區國際銷售團隊。早年畢業於三藩市州立大學,取得工商管理學士及碩士;並在香港浸會大學取得工商管理博士,重點研究建立組織的創新文化及企業家思維。



Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 – Getting to Know Each Other
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 1 (Building Authentic Leadership)
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 2 (Leadership Competency and DISC Personality Style) 
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 1
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 3 (Forming and Developing Mission-Driven Team) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 4 (Play and Co-create!) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 2
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Group Coaching - Session 3
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Session 6 (Leadership Communication and Storytelling) & Networking and Insights Sharing
Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 - Summary of Experience and Way Forward
